Ӏ 1) n. sphere, celestial sphere; 2) n. God, Supreme Being, Our Lord, Our Maker.
ӀӀ: фелек хьун v. get tired, become tired or fatigued; spend oneself, weary.
n. feuilleton.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. stunt, daring feat; trick, prank; juggle, deceit.
1. 1) adj. artful, shrewd, clever; sly, wily; skillful; 2) adj. spiteful, malicious; 2. 1) n. dodger; fox; villain; 2) n
1) n. craftiness, cunning, slyness; cleverness, shrewdness; circumvention, dodging; 2) n. acid, acrimony
adv. archly, craftily, cunningly.
n. feudalist, feudal lord.
n. feudalism, political and social system of medieval Europe in which vassals were protected by lords whom they served in times of war
ӀӀ йиф.
Ӏ (-ци, -це, -ер) 1) n. crack, split; rift, fissure; chap; фер атун v. crack, split; pop; spring.
n. hen, female fowl.
also. фаракъат.
1) adj. sensible, rational, reasonable; wise, judicious; judicial 2) adj. obedient, submissive, following orders; amenable, tractable; docile, managea
n. farm, ranch; stead, framework, steelwork; location.
n. farmer, rancher, granger.
adj. inapplicable, unsuitable; unusable.
n. otioseness, disutility, inefficacy, inability to produce the desired results; futility, uselessness
n. fez, tarboosh.
n. festival.
n. figure, shape, form; stature, character.
(фитеди, фитеда, фитер) n. dung, manure, muck.
Ӏ фин ӀӀ.
ӀӀ also. йифиз.
n. physicist, natural philosopher, scientist who researches physics, one who studies the laws of nature and properties of matter and energy
n. physics, natural philosophy.
1) n. thought, idea; mind; фикирдай adv. mentally, in the spirit; фикирдай акъатун v. overlook; фикирдал атун v
adv. closely, carefully, attentively .
1) adj. thoughtful, contemplative; reflective, meditative; wistful; broody, pensive; 2) adj. attentive, observant; careful, heedful; intent
1) n. Muse; 2) n. attention, advertence; 3) n. preoccupation; solicitude; concernment.