n. jackal, nocturnal wild dog common to Asia and Africa.
чакъвалай авун v. gnaw; scrunch.
n. tow; oakum, fibers taken from unraveled old ropes that when soaked in tar are used for caulking gaps in boats
Ӏ adj. roan, having reddish-black hair with small patches of grey or white (about horses).
ӀӀ чун.
n. vale, valley, dale; lowland, land which is lower than the surrounding land.
n. hollow; pitfall; pot hole.
n. kite, and of a number of small predatory birds belonging to the hawk family type of predatory bird
ХЬУН 1) v. try, endeavor, attempt; study; 2) v. labor, work, toil; trouble.
n. effort, attempt, endeavor; diligence, erseverance,industriousness;чалишмишвал авун v. be zealous.
1. adj. devious, shifty; unrighteous; unfair, unsportsmanlike; 2. n. man of no scruples. ЧАЛМА n. turban, type of headdress consisting of a cloth wrap
n. turmoil, tumult, uproar, commotion; bustle, confusion.
v. rake.
n. curvature, act of curving; flexure, act of bending; tortuosity, quality of being twis ted; curve, bend, twist; чам квай adj
[ччам] (-ра, -ра, -ар) n. bridegroom, groom; fiance; steady.
Ӏ чам [ччам].
n. melody, tune; descant.
n. race; чамарар авун or чамарар ягъун v. run; v. jump, spring;.
n. barrel, cask, drum; roll, bun; vat.
(-ди, -да, -ар) чан [ччан] (-ди, -да, -ар) 1) n. soul, spirit; psyche, mind; heart; bosom, breast; ghost; inside; 2) n
чан-рикӀ авун a) v. caress, fondle, stroke; flatter; pet, cosset; b) n. caress; endearment; tenderness, kindness; weasel
n. kneading trough.
also. чинар.
1) adj. dead, not living; lifeless, inanimate; 2) adj. weak; чансуз хьун v. decay, waste away; ease, loosen; weaken, wilt, droop
n. puniness.
ӀӀ n. printing house, press, place where materials are printed; чап авун v. print; imprint; type; impress; чапдай акъудун v
Ӏ 1. adj. skew, slanting; sidelong, oblique; cross-eyed, squint; чап вилер авайди adj. squint, cross- eyed (Ophthalmology); 2
also. чап Ӏ.
n. cast iron; ♦ чапак чин алайди adj. moon-faced, having a round face; chubby.
1) n. rampart, embankment; 2) n. messenger, runner
n. shoe; chock, wedge.
adv. askance, askew, from the side . чапла left; left hand; left wing; port; sinister, чапла пад n. left hand side, left; чапла патахъ adv
n. left-hander, one who prefers to use the left hand.
adj. skew, slanting; sidelong, oblique; cross-eyed, squint; чапрас вилер авай adj. squint, cross-eyed (Ophthalmology)
n. squint, strabismus, abnormality in which the eyes are unable to focus together on the same object due to a muscular imbalance (Ophthalmology)
also. чапрасдаказ.
1) n. printing house, press, place where materials are printed; 2) n. publishing house, publishing office, publishing outfit
n. burglary, robbery; plunder, pillage; ransack; чапхун авун v. rob, plunder; depredate, ravage; reive; prey upon
(-из, -на, -а) also. чапхун (чапхун авун).
n. robber, bandit, brigand, outlaw.
robbery; чапхунчивилин adj. predatory, robbing; rapacious, ravenous; burglarious; extortionate; penal
Ӏ (-чи, -че, -ар) 1) n. paper; 2) n. letter; message; writing; scroll; 3) n. document, deed, paper which provides information or evidence; record; ins
ӀӀ (-чи, -че, -ар) 1) n. skin; scum, foul film or slime that forms atop a liquid; 2) n. cream, fatty portion of milk which rises to the top; first cho
1) way out 2) n. help, aid, assistance; relief; facilitation, promotion ?; b) give a hand; чара атӀун be at the nadir of one's hope; ♦ чара тахьай
[ччара] 1) adj. insular; clannish; detached; single 2) adj. extraneous; alien, foreign; strange, unfamiliar; чарадан уьлкве foreign land; чара чӀал al
n. insularity, isolation; detachment, separation; clanship.
adv. apart, separately, in two.
n. cheese cake.