n. foremost people .
adj. exemplary; model, pattern; standard . ЧЕШНЕЧИВИЛЕЛДИ adj. exemplary; model, pattern; standard . ЧИ pron
n. slippers; sneakers.
Ӏ (-еди, -еда, -ер) 1) n. dew, small drops of atmospheric moisture that form on cool surfaces (especially at night); 2) n
ӀӀ adj. wet, moist; humid, damp; raw, crude; uncooked; чиг нек new milk; чиг як n. raw meat, flesh.
ӀӀ know; ам заз чидач Ӏ know anything about it; чидай инсан a) adj. known; acquainted, familiar; au fait; b) adj
Ӏ чи.
. 1) v. gentility, gentlefolks; dignity, nobility; peerage, aristocracy; quality; 2) adv. of set purpose
чӀикь. ЧИКЬИНА чӀикь. ЧИКЬИНИ чӀикь.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. netting, mesh-like fabric; web, network; luggage rack; hair net; string bag; grid; lattice; scale; кӀезрияр кьадай чил n
[ччил] (-и, -е, -ер) n. earth; land; ground, dirt, soil; territory; floor; sod; deck; кьел квай чил n
n. vulnerary plants.
also. чила.
adj. warm, cordial; lukewarm; hot; чими нек warm milk; чими югъ warm day; чими авун v. heat, warm up; гатуз юрфар чими; чими хьун v
1) n. heat, warmth; caloric; 2) n. heat, warmth, high temperature.
adv. hot. ЧИМИЗ чимун [ччимун]. ЧИМИЗ adv. warmly.
[ччимун] (чимиз, -на, -а) v. press; oppress; crush, trample; squeeze; v. press; squeeze; extrude.
(-из, -на, -а) also. чими (чими авун).
Ӏ (-ди, -да, -ер) n. distillate; shoulder strap; run.
ӀӀ adj. China, Chinese, of or pertaining to China; Чин вилаят n. China, Chinese People's Republic, country in east Asia
[ччин] (-и, -а, -ар) 1) n. face, front part of the head; physiognomy, facial features; countenance, visage; map; front; obverse; person;кьве чин алай
n. Lombardy poplar.
чинар-гъилер чуьхуьн v. wash oneself.
n. flapper, liberal young woman; minx, impudent girl; quean, disobedient or rebellious woman; tramp, woman of loose morals
adv. secretly; adv. stealthily, slyly; чинеба сес гун secret ballot; чинеба гьахьун v. creep in, slip in; insinuate, subtly instill
also. чинеба.
adj. secret; secretive, reticent; close.
n. hawk, war hawk; чинеругдин adj. accipitral, hawkish.
n. porcelain, type of hard white ceramic produced using a special process, china; чинидин adj. china; чинид къапар n
n. official, functionary; clerk. ЧИП (-ини, -ина, -ер) n. lot, fate, draw. ЧИПИ чеб.
чир авун a) v. get to know, learn, find out; discover, recognize, understand; identify; inquire, hear , v
1) n. oil lamp, lamp that runs on oil instead of electricity; 2) n. torch, lamp; luminary, light source
n. stand; support, prop; leg; pedestal.
n. knowledge, cognizance; knowing, having or reflecting knowledge or information; science, specific field of systematic knowledge
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. gravel, grit, sand.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. mud, mire; dirt, filth; squalor, filthiness; ordure; impurity.
1) adj. dirty, filthy; sordid, squalid; muddy, mucky; sloppy; obscene, raunchy; mourning; 2) adj. slovenly, careless, negligent; untidy, unclean; 3) a
(-из, -на, -а) also. чиркин (чиркин авун).
1) n. mud, mire; dirt, filth; squalor, filthiness; ordure; impurity; 2) n. dirtiness; untidiness; 3) n
also. чиркиндаказ.
. 1) adv. dirtily, foully; 2) adv. slovenly; 3) adv. meanly.
onomatopoeia чирт авун v. strike sharply.
also. чиргъ.