n. ultimatum, final condition or demand the rejection of which may lead to the use of force.
n. great grandfather; улу - бубаяр n. ancestry.
n. generation, multiplication.
v. multiply, add a quantity to itself a specified number of times; increase in quantity.
n. snowbreak, thaw, warm spell.
n. hope, expectation; hopefulness; reliance, trust.
adj. reliable, credible, trustworthy, dependable; safe, secure; certain, sure; умудлу авун v. assure
1adj. hopeless, forlorn, desperate; irredeemable; no go; 2. adv. despairingly, hopelessly, despondently; beyond hope, a lost cause
n. hopelessness, despair , despair, hopelessness; despondency, desperation.
also. умудсуздаказ.
adv. despairingly, hopelessly, despondently; beyond hope, a lost cause.
adv. altogether; in all, all in all; on the whole, upon the whole.
adj. global, universal; general; overall. УМУМИЛАМИШУН (-из, -на, -а) v. generalize. УМУН 1) adj. gentle; manageable, submissive
(-из, -на, -а) also. умун 1) (умун авун).
1) n. calm, peacefulness, quiet, tranquility; imperturbability, calmness, incapability of being easily disturbed or excited; 2) n
adv. humbly.
n. university, college; campus.
also. гьурра.
n. uranium, silvery white radioactive metallic element used in nuclear reactions and atomic bombs . УРАВНЕНИЕ n
n. middle peasant .
1. adj. common, shared, belonging to more than one; ordinary; usual, frequent; public; mediocre, of the masses; 2
1) n. community; fellowship; network; 2) n. communion; solidarity, community; alliance; sympathy; 3) n
also. уртахдаказ.
adv. together, jointly, in conjunction.
n. auger, borer, gimlet, drill, wimble, bit; perforator, piercer.
n. Russian.
(-из, -на, -а) v. Russify, Russianize.
1) adj. lean, thin, skinny; having little fat; meager, poor; 2) adj. unsightly; seamy; 3) n. timid.
(-из, -на, -а) also. усал 1) (усал авун).
1) n. leanness; angularity; 2) n. homeliness; 3) n. timidity, diffidence, bashfulness, shyness.
also. усалдаказ. УСАЛДАКАЗ adv. humbly; gingerly. УСАЛДИЗ also. усалдаказ.
adj. chic, elegant, fashionable, trendy, stylish, modish.
wow, cry of enthusiasm, cry of amazement.
adv. prettily, handsomely.
n. proof, averment; substantiation, evidence; witness, testimony; vindication, acquittal; seal; успат авун v
(-из, -на, успат ая) also. успат (успат авун).
n. craftsman, skilled worker.
n. expert, specialist; foreman, overseer; repairer; artisan, craftsman; master, virtuoso . УСТАДВАЛ n
adv. masterly, in an artful and expert manner, skillfully.
n. expert, specialist; foreman, overseer; repairer; artisan, craftsman; master, vir tuoso; ракьун устӀар n
n. skillfulness, craftsmanship, artistry; mastery, expertise; устӀарвал авун v. make; build; craft.
adv. knowingly; neatly; ably.
1) n. apartment, flat; condominium, quarter; 2) n. room, chamber; apartment; lodgings.
1. adj. impertinent, impudent, insolent, smart alecky; 2. n. squirt, insolent fellow.
n. impudence, brass, effrontery, immodesty; утанмазвал авун n. impudence, rudeness, insolence.
adv. boldly.
n. bashfulness, pudency. УТАНМИШВИЛЕЛДИ adv. lowly; decently; maidenlike. УТАНМИШ ХЬУН v. be ashamed
Ӏ (-уни, -уна, -ар) n. spirit; puff, breath; waft, whiff; уф гун v. breathe, blow; blast; huff, puff; уф гана хкадарун v