(-из, -на, -а) also. чӀур (чӀур авун).
also. чӀуран.
n. wasteland, wilderness; barren, infertile.
1. n. virgin soil, untilled land; virgin land; чӀурухъан къарагърун break fresh ground, break new ground; 2
also. чӀутхвар.
(-ра, -ра, -ар) n. flea ♦ чӀутран цуьк n. camomile, daisy wheel, type of plant with medicinal value (used to make camomile tea);
n. gutter, trough; chute; water spout.
onomatopoeia sniff, snuffle; чӀуф авун v. sniff, snuffle.
(-ади, -ада ) 1) n. smell of burning; fire-site; 2) n. soaker, driving rain, pelting rain, drench. ЧӀУХЛУМПӀ n
n. greaves, cracklings, crunchy material left over after melting down pork or chicken fat.
(-из, -на, -а) also. чӀух 2) (чӀух авун).
n. zephyr.
n. aorta, main artery of the body.
n. rhizome, root-like stem which grows horizontally under the surface of the soil and produces new sprouts (Botany)
n. prince.
n. witness, eyewitness; beholder; spectator.
n. evidence, testimony; witness; certificate, diploma; document.
legend snake.
adj. cheerful, merry, happy, glad; sprightly, lively, chirpy; шад авун v. gladden, rejoice, please, gratify; шад хьун v
n. amusement, fun; cheer, gladness, joy; hilarity, jollity; шадвал авун v. rejoice; rejoice at, be glad about
also. шаддаказ.
adv. gladly; gaily, rejoicingly.
n. amusement, fun; cheer, gladness, joy; hilarity, jollity.
1. adj. mirthless, joyless, gloomy; 2. joyless, mirthless.
adj. joyless, cheerless, mirthless; sad, gloomy, wintry.
(-из, -на, шад ая) also. шад (шад авун).
last year.
last year's; of last year. ШАЗАМАЗ adv. in the past year. ШАЗАН adj. last year's.
n. poet, one who writes poems.
also. шейтӀан.
(-уни, -уна) n. suspicion, mistrust; hunch; surmise; шак авун v. suspect, surmise; distrust, doubt; mistrust; шак гъун v
n. chocolate, sweet food made from cocoa and sugar.
adj. suspicious, suspect, shady, dubious; distrustful, doubting, skeptical; шаклу хьун v. fluctuate, vacillate, waver; sway, swing, wobble, stagger; f
n. suspiciousness; suspicion; jealousy; шаклувал авун v. doubt, have misgivings; question, cast doubt on; suspect, distrust, disbelieve
also. шаклудаказ.
1) adv. fishily; 2) adv. problematically; 3) uncertainty.
1. adj. undisputed, indisputable, unquestionable, irrefragable, irrefutable; indubitable, incontrovertible, undoubted, obvious; definite, decided; 2
n. certitude.
also. шаксуз 2.
(-из, -на, шак ая) also. шак (шак авун).
also. алуга.
n. journeyman; apprentice.
(-ди, -да, -ар) 1) n. wrap; shawl; пекдин шал silk hawl; 2) n. cloth; 3) n. winding; also. дулах.
also. шеле.
n. pants, trousers, breeches, pantaloons; шалвардин кек n. trouser-leg, the leg of the pants.
n. log, timber, stock; beam; n. column, pillar; post; pole, shaft; stake.
n. mantle, cape, cloak.