n. express; flyer, express train.
1) adj. clear; obvious, evident; экуь югъ clear day; экуь ранг light color; 2) adj. jolly, merry, happy, mirthful, cheerful
adj. azure, sky blue, blue, cerulean.
light grey
adj. beige.
1) n. light; shine, glow; экуьвал амаз adv. before nightfall, dusk; 2) n. joy, happiness, high spirits, gladness
adj. short-sighted, near sighted, myopic; purblind.
n. myopia, near sight, near sightedness, short sight.
adv. in the morning; экуьнахъ фад adv. very early in the morning.
(-из, -на, -а) v. peel, shell; hull; husk, shuck; pod.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. exit, egress; leave, go out; appear, emerge; issue; 2) v. climb, mount, get on, scale, swarm up; 3) v
ХЬУН v. hang out; stick out, protrude v. bag.
1) squarrose; 2) adj. protuberant; protruding, bulging; convex.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) swell, protrude; 2) v. put out; protrude; obtrude; shoot out; сарар экъисун show one's ivories
ХЬУН v. spill, overflow.
(-из, -на, -а/акъич) 1) v. slop, be spilled; drop; shed; run; 2) v. spill, overflow.
(-из, -на, -а/экъуьгь) v. swear, curse, use obscene language; disparage, abuse; scold, reprimand; drub, beat up; n
(-из, -на, -а) 1) also. къекъуьрун 1); 2) v. cause to fall; roll; crumb; 3) v. gargle, rinse out the mouth with mouthwash; 4) v
(-из, -на, -а) . induce vomiting.
(-из, -на, -а) 1. v. feel sick, vomit; 2. n. vomit, stomach contents which have been expelled through the mouth; экъуьчун атун v
(-из/экъяз, экъяна, -а/экъя) v. pour out.
ХЬУН v. cover; run; алукьна экӀя хьун v. lie prone.
(-ди, -да, -лер) n. crowd, throng, multitude.
элбухари (sort of plum).
n. elevator, mechanical apparatus for moving people or items from floor to floor within a building; grain elevator
n. electrician, person who installs or maintains electrical equipment.
n. electrification, process of charging with electricity; act of providing with electric power.
n. electricity.
n. electrical power station, power station, station for the production of electricity and its supply to consumers