adj. public, common; social.
public area (place).
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. bark, bay, make a dog-like cry; yelp, yap; speak; 2) v. fight, come to blows; bicker, squabble; tussle, scuffle
(-из, -на, -а) v. douse, quench; extinguish, put out.
(-из, -на, -а) v. go out, die out; blow out.
also. илясун.
(-из, -на, -а) v. traverse, cross over; pass; transfer; descend; jump; элячӀна фин a) v. go by, come by, pass by, overpass, leave; b) v
n. enamel.
n. emblem, symbol, representation, insignia.
n. aunt, sister of one's father or mother; эмедин руш cousin-german, first cousin.
n. property, possessions, personal effects. ЭМИГРАНТ n. emigrant, emigre; expatriate, expat; refugee
1) adj. reliable, credible, trustworthy, dependable; safe, secure; certain, sure; 2) Эмин (name).
n. reliability, dependability; safety, security; solidity.
1) n. behest; эмир авун v. command, direct; order; require; tell, say; bid; 2) Эмир (name).
n. informal title for an older man (especially a friend of the family); uncle; also. амле.
ХЬУН v. linger, delay; repose; stay; hold off; lag.
(-из, -на, -а) also. энгелун.
n. detention, arrest; delay; retardation; holdback.
(-из, -на, -а) v. slow, retard, delay; slow down, slacken, decrease in speed.
n. energy, power; vigor, liveliness, intensity.
n. encyclopaedia, series of books that are organized alphabetically and contain information on all subjects (also encyclopedia)
n. epigram; quip.
n. epigraph, inscription (on a stone, building, etc.); saying or quotation at the beginning of a book or chapter which is relevant to the theme of the
n. epidemic, pestilence, plague.
n. epithet.
n. epos, long narrative poem, epic poem.
n. era, epoch, eon.
n. vodka; эрекьдин adj. vodka.
adj. sterile, barren, infertile; desert, arid; fruitless; unavailing, futile, vain; abortive .
1) n. dream, series of thoughts and visions which occur during sleep; desire; ambition; эрзиман тир adj
1) n. male, person or animal of the male gender; эркек цицӀиб n. cockerel, young male rooster; cock-a-doodle-doo; cockalorum; 2) n
n. Armenian, one of Armenian origin, resident of Armenia (country in western Asia) .
also. гъаргъалаг.
adj. right; right-angled; right hand; right wing; dextral, of or pertaining to the right side; эрчӀи гъил n
1) n. influence, effect, impact; repercussion; n. impression; effect; feeling; showing; эсер авун v. affect; manipulate; take, charm; makes a mark on;
stiff drastic.
n. effectiveness, efficacy; potency, forcefulness.
(-из, -на, эсер ая) also. эсер Ӏ (эсер авун).
n. birth, descent; derivation, origin.
1) adv. absolutely, totally, sheer, utterly, completely; 2) adv. not at all, by no means, certainly not
n. squadron, any of a variety of military units containing both personnel and vehicles; navy, collection of battle ships; fleet, group of warships
adj. aged, elderly, old; ancient, very old, archaic; olden, of old times; used, not new; эски кӀвалер old house; эски авун v
n. old things, rummage; tat, shabby fabric; fleabag, shabby building.
n. relay.
n. stage.
1) n. skirt; lap; hemline; 2) n. declivity, descent, slope, decline.
on a string.
n. etiquette, decorum, rules which govern social behavior.