n. spring.
см: ягълух.
(якӀу, якӀа, якӀар) n. flesh, meat; якӀун adj. meaty; вечрен як n. chicken, meat of a chicken; гатай як n
n. friend, buddy; buddy buddy, old fellow.
1 adj. authentic, reliable; positive; veracious; straight; 2. adv. authentically.
n. authenticity, reliability; veracity.
also. якъиндаказ.
adv. authentically.
n. ruby, red variety of corundum, variety of gemstone with a bright red coloring; sapphire, hard precious stone, variety of corundum (usually deep blu
(якӀу, -а, -ар) n. axe, hatchet; якӀун тум n. axe handle.
Ӏ як.
ӀӀ якӀв.
Ӏ (-ди/-ци, -да/-це, -ар) n. respiration, breathing; blowing; wind; flatus; ял акатун v. swell; ял акъадарун a) v
ӀӀ (-ди/-ци, -да/-це) n. odor; savor; пис ял n. stink, stench, reek.
ӀӀӀ: ял авун a) v. draw out, pull out; pull; remove, extract; rummage, fish out; b) v. try, endeavor, attempt; study
n. fire, flame, blaze; цӀун ялав n. fire, flame, blaze.
adj. flaming, fiery; fervent.
n. ardor.
also. ялавлудаказ.
adj. imperious, domineering; supercilious, proud; haughty, arrogant.
Ӏ 1. adj. false, deceitful, mendacious; 2. n. forger, counterfeiter; forgery, falsification. ЯЛАНЧИ ӀӀ n
n. wish, desire; request; ambition; expression of desire; expression of a request; ялвар авун v. ask, inquire, question; beg, request, plead; pray; in
(-из, -на, -а) v. entreat, implore, supplicate, beg; appeal, crave, plead, beseech; petition, invoke; cry for, solicit
1. adj. solitary, alone; lonely, lonesome; sole, single !; 2. adv. lonely; alone.
n. retreat, solitude, seclusion; retirement, privacy.
adv. solitarily, alone, secludedly.
also. ялгъуздаказ.
1 n. toady, flatterer, sycophant 2. adj. adulatory, flattering; honeyed, sugary; ingratiating, smarmy; courtly
n. courtliness; toadyism; suppleness.
adv. hat in hand.
(-из, -на, -а) also. ял ӀӀӀ (ял авун).
Ӏ also. пис.
ӀӀ n. intoxication, poisoning.