adj. ineligible, unqualified; waste, refuse; dud, trumpery.
n. badness; disqualification.
also. иранвах. ЯРАНДИДЕ also. ирандиде. ЯРАНСТХА also. иранстха. ЯРАР Ӏ яр Ӏ.
ӀӀ n. measles, morbilli, virus characterized by red spots on the skin (Pathology); ярарин adj. measly
(-из, -на, -а) v. stablish, set up, found; create, produce; shape, design. ЯРАШУГЪ adj. appropriate, pertinent; fitting, suitable; opportune, propitio
ӀӀ also. юргъа.
Ӏ adj. distant, remote, far; long distance; farther, further; farthest; 2. adv. beyond, in the distance; яргъа авун v
adv. away off, a long way, afar; far, away; farther, further; wide; best; furthest; яргъаз авун or яргъаз къакъудун v
also. яргъаз (яргъаз авун).
adv. from afar, from far away; from far, afar; from a distance.
adj. distant, remote, far off, far apart a) adv. beyond, in the distance; b) adv. from afar, from far away; from far, afar; from a distance; яргъал ве
n. distance; apartness.
adv. for a long time, for an extended period of time; permanently. ЯРГЪАН n. blanket, covering, something that covers (i
adj. long; mortal; gaunt; яргъи авун v. extend, lengthen; elongate, stretch.
1) n. length; longitude; run; fly; 2) longitude.
long, at length.
also. яргъидаказ.
n. rainbow, colorful arc seen in the sky after a rainstorm (caused by sunlight shining through water droplets suspended in the air); яргъирушан adj
1) n. deferment, postponement, put off; 2) n. prattle, chatter, babble; talk, confabulation; badinage; chitchat, gab, prate; gossip, drivel
n. fair.
adj. florid, red, scarlet, sanguineous; purple, mulberry; ♦ яру рад n. gullet, esophagus.
adj. dappled, spotted, mottled; checkered; variegated.
n. diversity of colors.
n. redness, ruddiness; ярувал алай adj. reddish, ruddy; erubescent, blushing.
adj. unfinished.
ХЬУН 1) v. tumble; crumple; flop; conk out, pass out; 2) v. trip; go over.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. lay, place in a horizontal position; overturn; throw down; 2) v. roll; coup; upend; also
(-ди, -да) n. mourning; sables.
n. crib; manger; nursery.
n. pillow, soft cushion, pad; also. . хъуьцуьган.
n. fold, sheep enclosure.
also. ютур.
1. adj. pedestrian; unmounted; ях итим pedestrian; ях кьушун n. infantry; foot.
n. necklace, string of beads worn around the neck, jewelry that is worn around the neck.
1. n. pedestrian, someone who travels on foot; 2. also. яхдиз.
adv. on foot; afoot.
adj. lean, thin, skinny; having little fat; meager, poor; яхун хьанвай adj. gaunt, skinny, scrawny.
(-из, -на, -а) also. яхун (яхун авун).
n. emaciation, maceration; atrophy; exhaustion; attrition, attenuation; debilitation, decrepitude; depletion, consumption
n. losing weight; weight loss.
also. яхундаказ.
n. forty, number 40; яхцӀурни сад forty one.
n. forty time, number 40.
кьун Ӏ.
(-ра, -ра, -ар) n. bullock, ox.
adj. thick, not thin; fat, overweight; heavy; яцӀу хьун a) v. fatten, become fat, put on weight; make fat; b) v