also. хемирган, химирган.
гъварч авун v. gnaw; scrunch, crunch; eat.
also. гъварч (гъварч авун).
also. гъвечӀи.
(-и, -а, -ер) n. crumb, morsel.
гъвел-гъвел авун v. crumb, crumble; hash, chop; fritter, break into pieces; mince, grind; shred, tear into small pieces
n. snowdrop, bulbous plant whose drooping white flowers bloom in the early spring.
also. гъуьргъвеш.
гъверши тар n. maple, type of hardwood tree which grows in northern regions and is cultivated for its wood and sap
1) adj. little, small, diminutive; гъвечӀи авун v. reduce, diminish, lessen; lower, take off, scale down, narrow; abate, impair, remit; belittle; detr
adj. little, small, diminutive.
little, exiguous, small; lesser, smaller; baby.
adv. less, to a smaller degree or amount.
ӀӀ (гъетре, гъетре, гъетер) n. star; top liner; spider; экуьнин гъед n. day star, Lucifer, phosphor, morning star; тум галай гъед n
Ӏ (гъетре, гъетре, гъетер) n. fish, type of cold-blooded aquatic animal with fins and scales; ♦ гъетре яб n
n. merit, value; virtue; dignity; quality; timber. ГЪЕЙРАТЛУ adj. noble, grand; exalted, elevated; honorable
adj. masculine, male; manly, manlike, of or characteristic of men; strong, virile .
adj. pusillanimous, cowardly, timid, craven. ГЪЕЙРАТСУЗВАЛ n. pusillanimity, cowardliness, recreancy
adv. faint heartedly.
adj. other, another; diverse, varied.
(-ци, -це, гъелерар) n. sled, sledge, sleigh, toboggan.