adj. diehard.
adj. especial, special; extra; particular, specific; distinct; separate.
by the same token, by this token, more by token. БАШКЪАВАЛ n. difference, distinction; inequality; dissemblance
(-из, -на, -а) v. begin, start, commence.
n. hood; cowl; cape.
n. shoe; chock, wedge.
n. shoemaker, cobbler, one who makes or repairs shoes as an occupation.
v. evade, shirk.
adv. with pleasure, gladly, kindly, with great relish.
n. ringleader.
n. mastership.
adj. deserted, desolate, uninhabited; unmanned; solitary.
n. canto, section in a long poem; tune, melody; descant, music with harmonizing melodies .
n. illustration, clarification.
adj. not fresh, stale.
n. prince.
v. like, be fond of; please; fetch.
(-из, -на, -а) also. бегенмиш 2) (бегенмиш авун).
adj. sufficient, enough; ample, plenty; snug, comfortable. БЕГЬЕМАРУН (-из, -на, -а) also. бегьем 2) (бегьем авун)
also. бегьемдаказ.
adv. substantially, considerably, significantly; thoroughly, comprehensively; best; well.
adj. surface, superficial, shallow; frivolous, futile.
n. superficiality; futility. БЕГЬЕМСУЗВИЛЕЛДИ also. бегьемсуздаказ. БЕГЬЕМСУЗДАКАЗ adv. superficially, skin-deep
(-из, -на, бегьем ая) also. бегьем 2) (бегьем авун).
n. gather, harvest, yield, crop, plant.
adj. fertile, fruitful; fat, good; prolific, productive; mellow, sweet; plenteous, plentiful.
n. productivity of land.
adj. infertile, barren; dead; hungry; poor.
n. infertility.
n. glove.
adj. evil, wicked, bad, corrupt; vicious, malicious; unpleasant, vile; malign, harmful; spiteful.
adj. unfortunate, hapless; unhappy, miserable; pitiable, wretched. БЕДБАХТВАЛ n. misfortune, bad luck; infelicity, unhappiness; catastrophe, disaster
n. body, physical form of a person or animal; corpse, carcass.