adj. correct, right; faithful; true, truthful; just; certain, sure.
n. loyalty, adherence, faithfulness; faith, fidelity, trustiness.
also. вафалудаказ.
adv. devotedly; attachedly.
adj. disloyal, unfaithful, faithless; false; traitorous, treacherous; guileful, perfidious . ВАФАСУЗВАЛ n
n. death, end of life; dying; destruction.
(-а, -а, -ар) n. sister, female sibling.
also. вахкун.
(-уз, -ана, вахце) v. give, render; return; yield up, turn in; let go; kick, recoil; savor, have a taste; smack
(-уни, -уна, -ар) time, it's time.
adv. periodically.
n. watch, look out.
n. janitor, porter.
adv. opportunely, in an opportune manner; appropriately; in a timely manner; seasonably.
n. pants; drawers, underpants.
also. къахчун.
n. lanky person.
(-у, -а, -ар) n. river, large stream of water; abundant flow.
adv. no; not.
also. вара-вара.
n. sucker, dupe, gullible person.
adv. else, otherwise.
(-из, -ена, вегь) v. throw, cast; toss, fling; pitch, hurl, heave; throw away, chuck; dart, dash; leave, abandon; give up, relinquish; quit; pelt, sho
also. вагьтедай.
n. statement, official account; register, record, list.
n. bucket, pail.
n. rhythm, beat, regular pulse or accent (in music, etc.); meter, recurrent beat in poetry or prose
n. vizier, vizir, high ranking executive officer in Muslim countries.
n. debt, liability; duty, obligation; credit, trust; incumbency, office or position of an incumbent.
n. advocate, lawyer, attorney, one who represents people in a court of law or advises them on legal matters; solicitor, one who offers legal advice to
n. bill of exchange; bill, promissory note.
adj. hard, tough; rigid, harsh; leathery, sinewy.
n. hardness, stiffness; rigidity, inflexibility; harshness, asperity; inclemency, severity.
also. векъидаказ.