adj. unhealthy, unwell, sick, diseased; insalubrious, not good for one's health. САГЪСУЗВАЛ n. sickliness, morbidness; debility; soreness, painful
n. owner, proprietor; governor; manager; boss.
(-а, -а, -ар) . pron. one, number 1; some; a; сад лагьай adj. first, initial; top, prime; former; pioneer; сад лагьайди adv
pron. to nobody.
n. sacrifice, immolation, oblation, offering.
n. unity, accord; oneness; solidarity.
also. саддаказ.
adv. with one accord, unanimously, with everyone in agreement.
pron. no one, nobody; anyone.
1). adv. once; 2) adv. initially, at first, at the beginning, at the outset.
also. сажаягъ.
n. tripod, three-legged stand, trivet. САЖДА сажда авун v. worship, idolize; adore. САЖИН n. fathom; sazhen, sagene
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. guitar-like instrument.
n. carp, freshwater fish.
n. mood, frame of mind; temper, disposition; spirit, overall feeling.
n. tramp, vagrant, vagabond, gadabout, drifter; nomad; rogue, fugitive, prowler .
n. begging; mendicancy, beggary.
adv. beggarly.
adj. absentminded, distracted; abstracted, preoccupied; scattered, dissipated; diffuse, dispersed; vacant
n. absent-mindedness, preoccupation, abstractedness; distraction, absence of mind; vacancy.
adv. abstractedly, absent-mindedly; vacantly.
also. саймазвилелди.
(-из, -на, -а) give heed to, pay attention.
adv. all but; almost, approximately, nearly; half; pretty much; quasi. САКЪАВ n. glanders, farcy, type of disease which afflicts horses and mules
adv. by no means, in no way; anyhow, anyway.
(-а, -а, -ар) n. kitchen garden; market garden.
n. prayer, orison, petition or entreaty to god; blessing, grace (said in thanks for food before or after a meal)
ӀӀ n. ceremonial, ceremony; observance, ordinance.
Ӏ n. salutation, greeting; welcome; hello.
hello, hi! (used in greeting); ciao, goodbye (Ӏtalian).
adj. happy; successful; safe. САЛАМАТВАЛ n. well being; prosperity. САЛАМАТВИЛЕЛДИ also. саламатдаказ
n. gardener.
n. horticulture, science of plant cultivation; olericulture.
n. Tuesday.
n. soldier, member of the military, enlisted man.
n. napkin, serviette, cloth used for wiping one's face and fingers while eating and to protect clothing
n. fireworks, striking display of light and sound produced by explosive devices; salute.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) 1) n. straw; 2) n. stubble, short stalks of hay or corn left sticking up from the ground after the harvest; short rough growth of be
n. samovar, metal urn for boiling water for tea (common in Russia).
n. moonshine, strong illegally distilled alcohol (Ӏnformal); hootch, (Slang) alcoholic liquor (especially one that is of low-quality or illegally manu
n. moonshiner, one who produces alcohol illegally; person who pursues an illegal activity at night.
adj. milking . also. гзаф 1).
milking sheep. САМОВАР also. самавар. САМОДЕРЖАВИЕ n. autocracy. САМОКРИТИКА n. self criticism.
n. airplane, plane, jet plane; aircraft, any vehicle which can be flown through the air (i.e. airplane or helicopter)
n. strainer, skimmer, filter for removing impurities or foreign objects from liquids .
Ӏ n. quantity, amount; number, sum; percentage, feck.
ӀӀ йис .
n. quantity, amount; number, sum; percentage, feck.