adj. feasible, possible; conceivable, thinkable; probable, likely; apt.
n. possibility, chance, opportunity; ability, facility; potential.
n. necessity, essential; indispensability; obligation; need, requirement; poverty. ИГЬТИЯЖВАЛ n. necessity, need; игьтияжвиле хьун v
adj. needy, necessitous; wanting, lacking; impecunious, indigent.
n. demand, requirement; need, want. ИГЬТИЯЖСУЗ adj. assured, secure; provided, well off. ИГЬТИЯЖСУЗВАЛ n
1. n. guard, carefulness; prudence, caution, care, heedfulness; discretion; игьтият хьун know better than that; 2
n. precaution; prudence, foresight; игьтиятвал авун v. be on one's guard, be watchful; shun, keep away; игьтиятвал хуьн be careful, mind one's
adj. circumspect, careful, prudent, cautious; circumspective, deliberate.
also. игьтиятвал. ИГЬТИЯТЛУВИЛЕЛДИ also. игьтиятлудаказ. ИГЬТИЯТЛУДАКАЗ adv. providently.
also. игьтиятлудаказ.
adj. careless, imprudent; incautious, indiscreet.
n. imprudence, indiscretion.
also. игьтиятсуздаказ.
adv. hastily, headfirst, headlong, rashly.
ӀӀ ин.
Ӏ авун.
n. foundation, establishment; institution, organ; instructions, introduction; setting up ; идарадин adj
n. pretension, claim; bid; иддя кьун v. pretend, claim, assert; profess, purport.
n. ideal; nonpareil, unique person or thing; eidolon, ghost.
n. idealism.
n. idealist, one who lives according to some standard of perfection; star -gazer.
n. ideology.
n. idea, concept; intention; message; brainchild.
n. idiom.
1. adj. beautiful, handsome; fair, pretty; pleasant, attractive; gallant, chivalrous; proper; иер руш n
n. refinement, elegance; stylishness, tastefulness; daintiness, exquisiteness; delicacy.
also. иердаказ. ИЕРДАКАЗ adv. prettily, handsomely. ИЕРДИЗ also. иердаказ.
n. hieroglyph, character.
also. иеси.
also. иесивал.