n. learning, erudition, scholarship.
1) adj. uneducated, unlettered, illiterate; 2) adj. unscientific; trivial. ИЛИРЗУН (-из, -на, -а) v. sneeze, involuntarily expel air from the nose and
ХЬУН 1) v. hang on, hang upon; base oneself upon; 2) v. cuddle; huddle. ИЛИТӀУН (-из, -на, -а) 1) v. bound; lace; 2) v
(-из, -на, -а) v. press; oppress; crush, trample; squeeze.
(-из, -на, -а) v. rise, ascend, mount; spring; braird.
(-из, -на, -а) v. bend, stoop.
Ӏ (-из, -на, -а) v. pour, shed; spout, stream; rain; pelt, cast; found, melt and pour into a mold (i
ӀӀ (-из, -на, -а) v. feel absence, miss; be lonely; be bored.
no matter what.
adv. in particular, particularly, par excellence.
also. илим.
also.: илимлу.
herd catlle; also. рамаг & нехир.
1) n. ambassador, envoy, diplomatic official sent to a state as a representative of another state; missionary; 2) n
(ида, ида, ибур) pron. This, it; this.
n. imam, one who leads prayers in a Muslim mosque; Muslim religious leader or chief.
n. faith, credence, belief; trust, credit; creed, doctrine.
1. 1) adj. disbeliever, faithless; unbeliever, irreligious; pagan, infidel; 2) adj. callous, cruel, unfeeling, cold-hearted, heartless, hard hearted;
n. cruelty; heartlessness.
adv. brutally, cruelly; without remorse.
also. имансузвилелди.
1) n. palace, castle, mansion; 2) n. masterpiece, chef d'oeuvre.
n. informal title for an older man (especially a friend of the family); uncle; also. амле.
also. авун.
n. immigrant; incomer.
n. immigration.
n. emperor.
n. empire, group of countries ruled over by an emperor or other sovereign.
n. import, importation.
1) n. examination, exam, quiz; 2) n. test, probation, trial; experience; examination; experiment; proof; noviciate; имтигьан авун v
n. riddle, enigma, puzzle.
that is, that's; this is; it's.
prep. near, beside; adv. by the side, alongside; next door to; side by side, alongside one another; next to, nearby; about; by
(ини, ина, инагар) нареч. здесь, вот.
1) n. revenge, vengeance; инад кьун v. revenge, avenge, requite; 2) v. fall on, attack, assail; oppugn, inveigh; grip, hold firmly; come across, happe
adv. hence; hereof; thence.
adv. here; herein; there, therein; in these parts.
ХЬУН persuasibility.
n. assurance; affirmation.
also. инанмишвилелди.
(-из, -на, -а) v. drive home, convince, persuade; remonstrate, admonish; satisfy.
ХЬУН v. ascertain, confirm, verify, make sure.
(-из, -на, -а) also. инанмишун.
n. conviction; assurance; инанмишвал авун a) v. believe, credit; trust; b) v. hope, expect; trust; plan; ween
also. инанмишдаказ.
adv. with certainty, positively.
adj. uncertain, unsure; tentative; erratic.
n. uncertainty, doubtfulness.
also. инанмишсуздаказ.
adv. half-heartedly; hesitatingly, indecisively, in an irresolute manner .