n. pensioner, retired person who lives on a monthly financial stipend.
n. pension, financial benefit paid after a person has stopped working .
(-ини, -ина, -ер) 1) n. ear; eyelet; 2) n. peak, visor, bill; windscreen; 3) n. strap.
n. beetle; bug; шурван пепе n. ladybird, ladybug.
Ӏ n. mood, frame of mind; temper, disposition; spirit, overall feeling.
[ппер] (-ци, -це, -ер) n. shovel, spade.
ӀӀ n. pair, couple; match.
n. God, Supreme Being, Our Lord, Our Maker.
1) n. curtain, length of fabric (hung at a window, on the stage of a theater, etc.) 2) n. covering; envelope; tegument, shell; capsule; membrane, thin
(-из, -на, -а) v. curtain, conceal with a curtain .
n. translation, act of rendering something into another language; interpretation, oral translation from one language to another; transfer; shifting; s
also. перевод (перевод авун).
n. interpreter, one who orally translates from one language to another; translator . ПЕРЕМ n. undershirt, undergarment which is worn under another shi
n. census, counting and surveying of the population for official purposes.
n. fairy, fay, pixy, sprite.
adj. sad, gloomy; sorry, remorseful; mournful, grievous.
n. sorrow, sadness; mourning, grieving.
also. перишандаказ. ПЕРИШАНДАКАЗ adv. ruefully; grievously; moodily. ПЕРИШАНДИЗ also. перишандаказ.
also. пеленг.
n. detail; component, part; member; particular.
n. vertical, perpendicular, normal.
n. swing, suspended seat on which one sits and sways to and fro; seesaw, playground apparatus consisting of a long plank balanced at the center so tha
n. packaging; tare, weight of a wrapper or container deducted from the gross weight of a package to determine the net weight
n. perspective, outlook; prospect; aspect; distance. ПЕРТ; перт авун v. displease, annoy, irritate, anger, cause displeasure
adv. angrily, crossly.