n. plant; grower; herb.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. raid; road.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. trip, voyage, journey; flight.
n. unanimity; consensus; consentaneity.
adv. with one accord, unanimously, with everyone in agreement.
n. recommendation, endorsement, approval; letter of reference; suggestion.
n. restoration, act of returning to a previous condition, rehabilitation; reconstruction.
n. record.
регъ. РЕКЪИЗ къун ӀӀ. РЕКЪИНИ регъ.
(рекъуь, -е, -ер) n. jowl.
рекьед тар n. mulberry, tree with purplish-red and berrylike fruit.
n. absinthe, woody herbaceous plant which yields a bitter oil; sagebrush, variety of shrub found in arid regions of the western United States; tarrago
1) adv. once; now; са рекьера adv. once; one day; one fine day.
n. X-ray, photograph of internal body parts using X-rays.
n. repatriation, act of returning to one's own native land; act of sending back to one's country of birth
n. repertoire, repertory. РЕПЕТИСИЯ n. rehearsal; run through; repetition. РЕПОРТЁР n. reporter, pressman, journalist
n. repression, state of being repressed, suppression; suppression of undesirable feelings urges or memories within the unconscious (Psychoanalysis)
n. reproducer; loudspeaker. РЕСПУБЛИКА n. republic; commonwealth. РЕССОР n. spring.
n. restaurant, business where customers can purchase and eat meals .
n. resource.
n. abstract.
n. referendum; plebiscite, expression of a people's will or wishes through a direct ballot of all voters
n. referent.
n. reflex.