n. turban, type of headdress consisting of a cloth wrapped around the head; close -fitting brimless hat worn by women
n. form, order; orderliness; discipline; normalcy, regularity; exponent, small raised symbol or number placed after a number that indicates the power
n. vinegar, acidic liquid that is made from a natural fermentation process and is often used for cooking and as a condiment
adj. mysterious, mystic, occult; strange.
n. swim; swimming; sailing, act of cruising; navigation; voyage.
(-из, -на, сирнав ая) also. сирнав (сирнав авун).
n. milk pail.
n. catkin, long cylindrical cluster of small flowers without petals (found in willows, birches, and oaks, also called ament); earring, ring or other o
also. сидкьи.
n. quality; property; brand; grade, class; degree; kind, sort; character, statement of qualities and abilities
adv. at first, at the beginning; in the first place; primarily.
adj. primary, elementary; prime, choice; virgin; native.
adv. in the first instance, first, first and foremost, in the first place, foremost.
adj. immediate, direct; spontaneous; proximate; unaffected.
n. immediacy, directness; spontaneity.
adv. immediately, right; directly.
n. family, clan; kin; race; bloodline; generation; class, kind, genus; gender, system in some languages in which nouns are separated into two or more
Ӏ n. list, roll; manuscript; nomenclature; record. СИЯГЬ ӀӀ n. unfortunate; failure, loser, unsuccessful person
n. tourist, one traveling for recreation; voyager, traveler.
n. politics; policy.
n. predicate, (Grammar) fundamental part of a sentence that contains a verb and provides details about the subject of a sentence (such as attributes,
n. bench.
n. pressure suit, specially sealed garment that protects a pilot's body in situations of low atmospheric pressure; diving suit, specialized suit w
n. skeleton; anatomy, science which deals with the structure of organisms (humans, animals, etc.) .
n. discount, price reduction; rebate.
n. staple; bracket.
n. sculptor, one who sculpts; sculptress, female sculptor; carver.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. shin, front part of the leg between the knee and ankle; leg.
n. mechanic, artificer, skilled repairman of cars or machines; locksmith.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. style; syllable; phraseology, formulation of phrases. СЛОЖНИЙ adj. complex, intricate; complicated, difficult; sophisticated, seaso
n. game; competition, contest; meet, place of meeting for a competition; contention; emulation.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. sort, type, kind; class; brand; grade, quality, degree of excellence.
n. makeup, composition; compound, substance composed of different elements; personnel, staff; train.
n. soy, soya, edible bean of the soy plant; salty sauce made from soybeans .
n. spectacle, show, extravagant public performance, drama.
n. speculator, profiteer; bear.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. moustache; whisker, one hair of the mustache or beard.
n. specialist, one who limits himself to a particular profession or field of study; proficient, expert, having superior knowledge of a certain field;
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. alcohol, spirit, chemical compound containing an alkyl group and a hydroxyl group; intoxicating liquid
n. spirit lamp.
n. match, small combustible stick designed for lighting things afire; safety match.
n. sport.
n. sportsman, athlete, player, one who participates in sports.
n. reference; enquiry. СПУТНИК n. moon, satellite of any planet. ССИЛКА also. суьргуьн.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. probation, trial period.
n. probation, trial period; tour of duty.
n. glass, cup.
n. inflammation, swelling or redness caused by infection or injury.
n. standard, norm.