(-уьни, -уьна, -ер) n. whistle, whistling; hiss, hissing; pipe; sing; уьфт ягъун v. whistle; whiffle; pipe; hoot; hiss; sing
adj. salt, salty; saline; pickled; briny; уьцӀуь авун v. salt, add salt, season with salt; preserve in salt; scatter salt; spice up
n. salinity.
(уьцӀвез, уьцӀвена, уьцӀуьцӀ) v. dilapidate, fall into ruin or decay.
(-из, -на, -а) v. pull down, destroy; disorganize.
уьъ авун v. belch, burp, eructate.
n. factory, mill, plant.
n. manufacturer, industrialist.
1. 1) adj. unfortunate, hapless; unhappy, miserable; pitiable, wretched; 2) adj. inoffensive, harmless, innocuous, innoxious, unoffending; 2
1) n. intellect, mind, reason, intelligence; 2) n. consideration; reason; фагьум авай a) adj. sensible, rational, reasonable; wise, judicious; judicia
also. фагьум.
1) adj. thoughtful; 2) adj. smart, intelligent; shrewd, sagacious; nimble, keen. ФАГЬУМЛУВАЛ 1) n. thoughtfulness; 2) n
1) adj. stupid, muddle headed, slow-witted, slow, obtuse; cockeyed, foolish, incoherent; 2) adj. reckless, rash, heedless; dare devil, foolhardy, hare
1) n. obtuseness; 2) n. hastiness.
also. фагьумсуздаказ.
adv. blindly, blindfold; rashly, unadvisedly, foolhardily.
(-из, -на, -а) also. фагьум 2) (фагьум авун).
1) adv. long ago, way back; 2) adv. early; at an early hour; soon; betimes; 3) adv. quickly; urgently
adv. sooner or later, some time or other, some day or other, first or last.
1) adv. hourly; often, frequently; constantly; time and again; fast; thickly; 2) adv. first; rather; rater
1) adv. early; at an early hour; soon; betimes; 2) adv. first; rather; rater.
adv. long ago, way back.
1) n. use; benefit, profit; favor; dividend; account; 2) n. benefit, profit; earnings, gainings; head; riser; return
1. adj. useless; futile; impracticable, unprofitable, inutile, otiose; valueless, worthless; 2. adv. without avail, no earthly use
n. otioseness, disutility, inefficacy, inability to produce the desired results; futility, uselessness
also. файдасуздаказ.
adv. without avail, no earthly use.
n. moneylender, usurer, moneylender who charges exorbitant interest.
n. usury, gombeen, lending money at a high interest rate. ФАЙДАЧИВИЛЕЛДИ like usury, gombeen, lending money at a high interest rate
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. fact, actuality, reality.