also. хата.
n. dandy, beau, elegant, gallant.
n. rabbi, Jewish teacher or scholar, Jewish religious leader.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. cross, crucifix, symbol which resembles this structure (symbol of Christianity); mark, symbol (usually an X); хаш чӀугун a) v
n. scrubbing brush; currycomb, brush down a horse with a currycomb (comb with metal teeth).
thin membrane.
n. Christian, follower of Jesus Christ, adherent of Christianity.
n. pagan, heathen; gentile.
n. paganism, heathenism.
(хци, хце, рухваяр) n. son, boy, male child; амледин хва n. cousin, first cousin; бубад хва abdomen; paunch; тахай хва n
n. relative, family member, kinsman.
хвавиле кьабулун v. adopt, form a relationship with another person (as in to take a child as one's own)
(-а, -а, -ар/хулер) 1) n. ditch, drain; dike, canal; rivulet, runnel; outfall, estuary; 2) n. drill, trench, furrow; fissure, natural cleft or groove
хвал-хвал авун v. furrow, plow; seam.
friend (among the mountaineers of the Caucasus).
(-а, -а, -ар) n. mare, mature female horse or other equine animal (Zoology).
(хутуни, хутуна, хутар) n. plum, type of fruit.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. kneading trough; ♦ биши хвах n. boulder; rubble; nodule.
welcome, well met!, you are welcome.
(хвехуьни, хвехуьна, хвехвер) 1) n. nucleus, kernel; core, heart; ball; putting stone; кӀерецдин хвех core nut; 2) n
n. joy, happiness, high spirits, gladness.
adj. jolly, merry, happy, mirthful, cheerful; хвеши хьун v. rejoice; rejoice at, be glad about.
n. comfort; pleasure.
also. хвешидаказ.
adv. gladly; gaily, rejoicingly.
adv. for joy.
n. poppy, plant that produces bright flowers, plant from which opium is made.
(-уз, -ана, хце) v. resell; also. гун.
(хпе, хпе, хпер) n. sheep, variety of cud-chewing animal related to the goat (raised for wool, meat or skin); ewe, female sheep; mutton, meat taken fr
(хиве, хиве, хивер) 1) neck; back of the head, occiput (Anatomy); nape of the neck, scruff of neck; 2) n
pillow on yoke.
also. хейлин.
. 1) adv. considerably, much, noticeably; particularly, notably; immensely, vastly; to a great extent, to a degree; to the highest degree, most; to a
n. scoop; shovel; trowel; dustpan.
(хиле, хиле, хилер) 1) n. branch, bough, limb; ramification, embranchment; filiation; хилер вегьин v
1. 1) n. retreat, solitude, seclusion; retirement, privacy; 2) adv. in private, alone; face to face, tete- a-tete; 2
n. privacy, solitude; remoteness. ХЕЛВЕТДАКАЗ adv. solitarily, alone, secludedly. ХЕЛВЕТДИЗ also. хелветдаказ