onomatopoeia n. chirr, sound produced by a cricket or grasshopper; цӀиз авун v. chatter; chirr.
adj. new, novel; recent, fresh; original, innovative; modern, advanced .; цӀийи варз n. change; new moon; цӀийи йис n
adv. from the first, from the outset; for a kick off.
also. цӀийи.
n. newness, novelty; recency; originality.
like new.
also. цӀийидаказ.
while new.
adv. in a new fashion, newly, anew.
also. цикӀен.
n. twelve.
n. twelve time.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. rope, strong cord made from strong braided fibers; cable, hawser .
n. fringe; purl.
also. цӀилер.
n. spark, scintilla.
цӀингавар ягъун a) v. frisk, frolic, gambol, play; b) v. idle, loaf, lounge, dawdle, laze; twiddle; fribble, trifle; frowst, bum
adj. present; цӀинин кьуьд current winter.
n. thirteen, number 13; цӀипуд лагьай or цӀипуд лагьайди adj. thirteenth.
by thirteen.
thirteen time.
(-ини, -ииа, -ер) n. sprout, shoot.
onomatopoeia n. chirr; clatter; jabber.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) 1) n. pack, bundle, package; chord; 2) n. chain; range; nexus; train; network; series; circuit; 3) n
1) n. train, caravan, procession; string, group of objects linked together; 2) adv. in course, by rotation, in rotation
n. currant, seedless raisin made from a small variety of grape (used in cooking and baking). ЦӀИРТӀ (-ини, -ина, -ер) 1) n
(-ини, -ина, -ер) 1) n. rag; patch; snippet; 2) n. bandage; swathe; patch; fillet.
(цицӀре, цицӀре, цицӀер) 1) n. grasshopper, number of plant-eating insects having hind legs adapted for leaping, cricket, grig; чӀулав цицӀ n
n. fifteen; цӀувад лагьай or цӀувад лагьайди adj. fifteenth, next after the fourteenth; being one of 15 equal parts
n. by fifteen.
n. fifteen time.
(-ади, -ада, -ар) n. yowl, howl, hoot, wail; жанавурдин цӀугъ wolf howl; цӀугъ авун v. screech, shriek; squeal, shrill
(-из, -на, цӀугъ ая) also. цӀугъ (цӀугъ авун).
n. ten; цӀуд лагьай adj. tenth.
n. by ten.
n. ten time.
n. fourteen цӀукьуд лагьай or цӀукьуд лагьайди adj. fourteenth, next after the thirteenth; being one of 14 equal parts
n. by fourteen.
n. fourteen time.
n. fire brand, char.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. thigh bone.
1) n. steatite, soft rock which has a smooth soapy or greasy feel and is composed mainly of mineral talc; talc, magnesium silicate powder (used in cos
n. kitchen, room or area in which food is prepared and cooked; cuisine, style of cooking.
(-ди, -да, -ар) 1) n. howl, yowl; moan, groan; 2) n. scream, screech, shriek, yelp; цӀур авун a) v. howl; moan, groan b) howl, wail, yowl
n. sixteen, number 16.
n. by-sixteen.
n. sixteen time.