n. chess, board game (played by two people).
1) n. self, self-interest; 2) n. gain, profit; self-interest.
n. mine, coal pit; shaft.
n. miner, one who works in a mine.
n. Cheviot, breed of English sheep.
1) adj. panic-stricken; wild; 2) adj. lascivious, lustful, lecherous; wanton, immoral; 3) adj. avid, greedy; edacious, voracious , шеври хьун get out
n. greed, avarice, voracity.
also. шевридаказ.
1) lasciviousness;2) adv. greedily; devouringly; gulp.
n. city; town, populated area that is smaller than a city. ШЕГЬЕР-ЭГЬЛИ n. townsman; urbanite, burgher; oppidan, of a town
(-ини, -ина, -эр) 1) n. object, thing; matter; theme, subject; article ; гьар са шей pron. all; whole; everyone, everybody; everything, anything; the
n. schlock, junk, garbage; stinker, fleabag; clinker.
1) shaitan, evil spirit; 2) n. dodger; fox; villain; ♦ тфенгдин шейтӀан n. trigger, lever which is pulled on to fire a gun; cocking handle, lever used
n. craftiness, cunning, slyness; cleverness, shrewdness; circumvention, dodging; шейтӀанвал авун a) v
adv. craftily, foxily; intricately.
(-ди, -да, -ер) 1) n. ecclesiastic; 2) adj. holy, sacred, consecrated; saintly, godly.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. young ewe.
n. sugar, sweet crystalline substance derived from sugar cane and sugar beets (used mainly to flavor foods); any of a number of water-soluble crystall
n. sugar bowl, small dish or bowl for serving sugar (often accompanied by a matching spoon) .
(-ди, -да, -ар) also. ишел.
also. ишел.
1) n. bundle, fagot; sheaf; band; bolt; шеле векь truss / bundle of hay; шеле кӀарасар bundle of wood; 2) n
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. candle, wax cylinder having a wick in the center which gives off light when lit; spark plug, device in an internal combustion eng
n. holder for a candle; candelabrum, large branched candleholder .
n. candlestick, holder for a candle; candelabrum, large branched candleholder .
n. kitten, kitty, young cat.