цуьк. ЦУЬКВЕДИ цуьк. ЦУЬКВЕР цуьк.
(-уь, цуькӀве, цуькӀвер) n. millet, type of grass that is cultivated for its grain which is mostly used as fodder; bulrush, papyrus (type of plant)
Ӏ цуькӀ.
ӀӀ n. saliva, spit, spittle; цуькӀуьн вегьин v. spit, expectorate; gob; цуькӀуьн гун v. spit; insult
ӀӀ n. horsecloth; caparison, decorative covering for a horse.
Ӏ (-ци, -це, -ер) n. sheaf; shaft, beam.
n. milt, sperm of a male fish; spleen, organ which is located near the stomach and which filters and stores blood and produces white blood cells and d
also. цур Ӏ.
n. rake.
(-уь, -е, -ер) n. sprout, shoot.
(цӀу, цӀа, цӀаяр) 1) n. fire, flame; light; цӀун мурз n. fire, flame, blaze; цӀун мусибат hell(slung),; цӀай кутун a) v
n. storm, squall, tempest, gale; hurricane.
n. lightning, flash ir streak of light in the sky caused by the discharge of an electric spark in a thundercloud
n. feather, plume; fountain pen; blade; nib; fin; цӀакулар акьалтун or цӀакулар экъечӀун v. fledge.
onomatopoeia crack.
1) adj. glossy, polished; цӀалцӀам хьун v. smooth; 2) adj. fluent, fluid; running, flowing; liquid.
(-из, -на, -а) also. цӀалцӀам 1) (цӀалцӀам авун).
n. evenness.
also. цӀалцӀамдаказ.
1) v. smooth, slick; swimmingly, fluently; 2) adv. fluently.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. brushwood, cut or broken branches; dense thicket; цӀамарин типӀих n. faggot, bundle of sticks
n. fire wood, wood.
(-ади, -ада, -ар) n. dung, manure, muck;
1) n. slingshot, small hand-held weapon made of a loop of elastic connected to a Y-shaped stick and used to hurl stones or other small projectiles; tu
1) also. цӀакул; 2) n. screw; helix; male screw, external screw.
n. brilliance, brightness; magnificence, splendor; lustre, gloss; цӀапӀрапӀ гун v. shine, burnish; glint, flash, glitter, sparkle; also
(-цӀи, -цӀе, -ар) 1) n. line; boundary; feature; stria; цӀар чӀугун a) line; b) v. stroke, cross; 2) n
цӀаран яд a) n. saliva, spit, spittle; b) n. gastric juice.
v. ruffle; curl; ripple.
1) n. caterpillar; track; цӀарнахдин adj. caterpillar, crawler; 2) n. lichen, plant organism made up of a fungus and an alga which grow together on ro
1) adj. grey, grizzly; leaden; wan; цӀару вилер gray eyes; 2) adj. dappled, spotted, mottled; checkered; variegated
1) n. drabness, dreariness, dullness; 2) n. diversity of colors.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. scratch, scrape; notch; excoriation; цӀархар авун v. scratch, scrape; crab.