(-из, -на, -а) v. douse, quench; extinguish, put out.
(-из, -на, -а) v. go out, die out; blow out.
also. илясун.
(-из, -на, -а) v. traverse, cross over; pass; transfer; descend; jump; элячӀна фин a) v. go by, come by, pass by, overpass, leave; b) v
n. enamel.
n. emblem, symbol, representation, insignia.
n. aunt, sister of one's father or mother; эмедин руш cousin-german, first cousin.
n. property, possessions, personal effects. ЭМИГРАНТ n. emigrant, emigre; expatriate, expat; refugee
1) adj. reliable, credible, trustworthy, dependable; safe, secure; certain, sure; 2) Эмин (name).
n. reliability, dependability; safety, security; solidity.
1) n. behest; эмир авун v. command, direct; order; require; tell, say; bid; 2) Эмир (name).
n. informal title for an older man (especially a friend of the family); uncle; also. амле.
ХЬУН v. linger, delay; repose; stay; hold off; lag.
(-из, -на, -а) also. энгелун.
n. detention, arrest; delay; retardation; holdback.
(-из, -на, -а) v. slow, retard, delay; slow down, slacken, decrease in speed.
n. energy, power; vigor, liveliness, intensity.
n. encyclopaedia, series of books that are organized alphabetically and contain information on all subjects (also encyclopedia)
n. epigram; quip.
n. epigraph, inscription (on a stone, building, etc.); saying or quotation at the beginning of a book or chapter which is relevant to the theme of the
n. epidemic, pestilence, plague.
n. epithet.
n. epos, long narrative poem, epic poem.
n. era, epoch, eon.
n. vodka; эрекьдин adj. vodka.
adj. sterile, barren, infertile; desert, arid; fruitless; unavailing, futile, vain; abortive .
1) n. dream, series of thoughts and visions which occur during sleep; desire; ambition; эрзиман тир adj
1) n. male, person or animal of the male gender; эркек цицӀиб n. cockerel, young male rooster; cock-a-doodle-doo; cockalorum; 2) n
n. Armenian, one of Armenian origin, resident of Armenia (country in western Asia) .
also. гъаргъалаг.
adj. right; right-angled; right hand; right wing; dextral, of or pertaining to the right side; эрчӀи гъил n
1) n. influence, effect, impact; repercussion; n. impression; effect; feeling; showing; эсер авун v. affect; manipulate; take, charm; makes a mark on;
stiff drastic.
n. effectiveness, efficacy; potency, forcefulness.
(-из, -на, эсер ая) also. эсер Ӏ (эсер авун).
n. birth, descent; derivation, origin.
1) adv. absolutely, totally, sheer, utterly, completely; 2) adv. not at all, by no means, certainly not
n. squadron, any of a variety of military units containing both personnel and vehicles; navy, collection of battle ships; fleet, group of warships
adj. aged, elderly, old; ancient, very old, archaic; olden, of old times; used, not new; эски кӀвалер old house; эски авун v
n. old things, rummage; tat, shabby fabric; fleabag, shabby building.
n. relay.
n. stage.
1) n. skirt; lap; hemline; 2) n. declivity, descent, slope, decline.
on a string.
n. etiquette, decorum, rules which govern social behavior.
also. атир.
n. ethnographer, one who specializes in ethnography, one who studies and describes different races and cultures (Anthropology)
n. ethnography, study and description of different races and cultures (Anthropology).