n 1. zənginlik, bolluq; var-dövlət; to live in ~ bolluq / zənginlik içərisində yaşamaq; 2. axın, axıb gəlmə; an ~ of foreigners xaricilərin / əcnəbilə
Tam oxu »n. wealth, affluence; abundance, profusion; luxuriance, opulence; flood; exuberance; fertility; riot.
Tam oxu »n. affluence, riches, wealth; richness, luxuriance, abundance; deep pocket, means, money.
Tam oxu »n. affluence, riches, wealth; richness, luxuriance, abundance; deep pocket, means, money.
Tam oxu »n. affluence, riches, wealth; richness, luxuriance, abundance; deep pocket, means, money.
Tam oxu »n. affluence, riches, wealth; richness, luxuriance, abundance; deep pocket, means, money.
Tam oxu »n. wealth, affluence; abundance, profusion; luxuriance, opulence; flood; exuberance; fertility; riot.
Tam oxu »n. wealth, affluence; abundance, profusion; luxuriance, opulence; flood; exuberance; fertility; riot.
Tam oxu »n. wealth, affluence; abundance, profusion; luxuriance, opulence; flood; exuberance; fertility; riot.
Tam oxu »...n. fertility, fecundity, fruitfulness; richness; 2) n. wealth, affluence; abundance, profusion; luxuriance, opulence; flood; exuberance; fertility; r
Tam oxu »n. affluence, riches, wealth; richness, luxuriance, abundance; deep pocket, means, money; мал-девлет авай инсан man of substance.
Tam oxu »influence1 n təsir; nüfuz; under the ~ of təsiri altında; to have an ~ over smb. bir kəs üzərində nüfuzu olmaq; His parents no longer have any real in
Tam oxu »to have an influence on someone (to influence, affect) подействовать, повлиять, впечатлеть
Tam oxu »to exert an influence upon something / to have an influence on smth. оказывать влияние (подействовать)
Tam oxu »ру атмосферное влияние en atmospheric influence de Witterungseinfluß fr influence de temps es influencia atmosférica it influenza atmosferica
Tam oxu »...influx de Wasserzufluß fr arrivée d’eau es afluencia de agua it affluenza d’acqua
Tam oxu »to have an influence on someone or smth. (a great power) иметь воздействие ( решающую силу)
Tam oxu »one’s word has not weight, influence, authority, power не иметь веса, влияния, авторитета, силы (о слове)
Tam oxu »...tributary, small stream flowing into a larger body of water; affluence, plenty; afflux, inward flow; 4) n. branch; department.
Tam oxu »...tributary, small stream flowing into a larger body of water; affluence, plenty; afflux, inward flow; 4) n. branch; department.
Tam oxu »i. influence; impact; ~ altında olmaq to be* under the influence (of); bir kəsin ~inə düşmək to fall* / to come* under smb.’s influence, to submit to
Tam oxu »i. weight; influence; authority; məc. position; ~ı olmaq to have* weight; məc. to have* position / influence / authority (over)
Tam oxu »f. 1. to influence (d.), to have* influence (on, upon); 2. to cause to grieve (d.), to make* smb. sad, to sadden (d.)
Tam oxu »...productive; mellow, sweet; plenteous, plentiful; 2) adj. plentiful, affluent; fertile, profuse.
Tam oxu »is. 1) discipline f (nizam), ordre m (qayda-qanun) ; 2) influence f, autorité f (nüfuz)
Tam oxu »is. autorité f, prestige m ; ascendant m ; influence f ; böyük ~u olmaq avoir une grande autorité ; ~undan istifadə etmək user de son influence ; ~dan
Tam oxu »...control, jurisdiction; say, right or opportunity to speak; weight, influence; mana, magical ability.
Tam oxu »i. weight; məc. weight; influence, authority; xüsusi ~ specific weight; böyük ~si olmaq məc. to be* highly influential
Tam oxu »