...(with) uyğunlaşa / birləşə bilən, bir araya sığa bilən; This is not consistent with that you told me yesterday Sənin / Sizin dünən mənə dediyinlə / d
Tam oxu »n 1. ardıcıllıq, məntiqidik; Your actions lack consistency Sənin / Sizin hərəkətində / hərəkətinizdə məntiq / ardıcıllıq yoxdur; 2. sabitlik, daimilik
Tam oxu »s. consisting (of); beş nəfərdən ~ komissiya committee consisting of five men (people); ~ olmaq to consist (of)
Tam oxu »...successive, consecutive; ~ qaydada in consecutive order; 3. (məntiqi) consistent, logical III. z. systematically, successively, consistently
Tam oxu »adj bir araya sığışa bilməyən, ziddiyyətli; uyğun / düz gəlməyən, müvafiq olmayan; ~ statements ziddiyyətli bəyanatlar; actions ~ with smb
Tam oxu »n. density, compactness; toughness, hardness; massiveness; consistency, substance .
Tam oxu »i. succession, sequence, consistency; tam ~la in strict succession / sequence; order; məntiqi ~ logical order; Onda ardıcıllıq yoxdur He / She lacks c
Tam oxu »adj inadlı, təkidli, sözünün üstündə duran, inadcıl: to be ~ on doing smth. bir şeyi etməkdə inadlı / israrlı olmaq
Tam oxu »s. 1. checked; ~ palto checked coat; 2. (i.s.) consisting of separate compartments / rooms
Tam oxu »n. shashlik, dish consisting of lamb meat and other vegetables roasted on a skewer, shish kebab .
Tam oxu »n. suit, matching outfit consisting of a jacket and trousers or a skirt; garb, outfit, costume .
Tam oxu »1) sif. compact, -e ; hermétique, consistant, -e ; dense ; serré, -e ; 2) zərf. étroitement, fortement ; qapını ~ örtmək fermer la porte hermétiquemen
Tam oxu »i. a musical instrument consisting of two drums tied with each other and struck with two sticks
Tam oxu »n. Congress, national lawmaking body of the United States (consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives).
Tam oxu »n. turban, type of headdress consisting of a cloth wrapped around the head; close -fitting brimless hat worn by women.
Tam oxu »...чӀахачӀахдин adj. cartilaginous, gristly, made of cartilage; consisting mainly of cartilage.
Tam oxu »n. hook; reaper; sickle, agricultural tool consisting of a curved blade attached to a short handle (used to cut grass, wheat, etc.).
Tam oxu »i. 1. (a group consisting of three men) tripartite; mus. trio; fortepiano üçlüyü pianoforte trio; simli alətlər üçlüyü string trio; 2. (pul) three-man
Tam oxu »s. persistent, insistent; ~ cəhdlər persistent attempts; ~ məktub an insistent message / letter
Tam oxu »...2. n. man of no scruples. ЧАЛМА n. turban, type of headdress consisting of a cloth wrapped around the head; close-fitting brimless hat worn by women.
Tam oxu »n. onion, sharp-tasting edible bulb consisting of concentric fleshy layers (used much in cooking); any of various bulbous hollow-leaved plants which a
Tam oxu »n. onion, sharp-tasting edible bulb consisting of concentric fleshy layers (used much in cooking); any of various bulbous hollow-leaved plants which a
Tam oxu »...baxmaq) to tell* fortunes by peering into the water in a basin; 2. a set consisting of three games in backgammon
Tam oxu »...one sits and sways to and fro; seesaw, playground apparatus consisting of a long plank balanced at the center so that one end rises as the other end
Tam oxu »...one sits and sways to and fro; seesaw, playground apparatus consisting of a long plank balanced at the center so that one end rises as the other end
Tam oxu »adj. uncertain, doubtful, not reliable, ambiguous; fickle, inconsistent; precarious, unstable.
Tam oxu »...disorganized, messy, disarranged, untidy, chaotic, inordinate; irregular, inconsistent, erratic, excursive; indiscriminate, careless.
Tam oxu »üzərinə düşən yükün qiymətindən asılı olaraq, maye və ya bərk madəyə məxsus xasələr göstərən sürtkü materiaları K
Tam oxu »