adv həmişə, daimi, daima, fasiləsiz, fasiləsiz olaraq, durmadan, aramsız, dalbadal
Tam oxu »ру солнечная постоянная en solar constant de Solarkonstante fr constante solaire es constante solar it costante solare
Tam oxu »...en time constant de Zeitkonstante fr constante de temps es constante de tiempo it costante di tempo
Tam oxu »...постоянная en gas constant de Gaskonstante fr constante des gaz es constante de gases it costante dei gas
Tam oxu »ру постоянная Больцмана en Boltzmann’s constant de Boltzmann-Konstante fr constante de Boltzmann es constante de Boltzmann it costante di Boltzmann
Tam oxu »n 1. sabitlik, daimilik, dəyişməzlik; ~ of purpose məqsədin sabitliyi / dəyişməzliyi; ~ of love / off friendship məhəbbətin / dostluğun daimiliyi; 2
Tam oxu »s. constant, permanent; continuous, unbroken, uninterrupted; ~ qayğı göstərmək to display unceasing concern; ~ olaraq constantly, permanently, continu
Tam oxu »...3. sadiq, sədaqətli, vəfalı; ~ friend, sədaqətli / vəfalı dost; ◊ Constant dropping wears away a stone ≅ Damar, damar, daşı dələr
Tam oxu »I. s. constant; invariable; permanent; regular; ~ ünvan permanent address; ~ vahid riyaz. constant; ~ ordu regular army; ~ sakin permanent resident; ~
Tam oxu »z.: ağızyummadan danışmaq to speak* continuously / constantly / without a pause / uninterruptedly
Tam oxu »z. 1. continually, constantly, always; ~ danışmaq to speak* continually / constantly; 2. nothing but... Hər yer sərasər daş idi Nothing but stones eve
Tam oxu »z. 1. all, completely, entirely; 2. always, constantly; O, eyzən məşğuldur He / She is always busy
Tam oxu »1) adv. hourly; often, frequently; constantly; time and again; fast; thickly; 2) adv. first; rather; rater.
Tam oxu »...a restless man*; 2. (arası kəsilmədən) continuous, uninterrupted, constant, without break; incessant; ~ yağışlar incessant rains; ~ yazışmalar uninte
Tam oxu »z. always, at all times, constantly, continually; Günəş daim şərqdən çıxır The sun always rises in the east
Tam oxu »i. stability, constancy; məqsəd sabitliyi constancy of purpose; dostluğun sabitliyi constancy of friendship; ölkədə ~ stability in the country
Tam oxu »s. constant; invariable, permanent; ~ ünvan permanent address; ~ vahid riyaz. constant
Tam oxu »s. constant, steady, steadfast, staunch (stanch), stable; (adam) persistent; ~ mübariz staunch champion / fighter; ~ dost a constant friend
Tam oxu »s. 1. constant, permanent; ~ müşahidə constant observation; ~ küləklər constant winds; ~ ünvan permanent address; ~ məkan permanent residence; 2. regu
Tam oxu »z. 1. walk constantly / continually; 2. (axtarmaq) to look for (d.) for a long time, to seek* (d.) for a long time
Tam oxu »’s chattering (to speak loudly and nonsense, to disturb someone constantly) доставать кого-либо (докучать, надоедать кому-либо)
Tam oxu »I. i. bax hal (4-cü mənada) II. z. continually, constantly, always, without break, uninterruptedly, over and over, again and again, eyni şeyi ~ təkrar
Tam oxu »1. someone is constantly waiting for one’s news постоянно ожидать какую-либо весть / Ср. превращаться в слух; 2. to be on the alert (to be watchful) /
Tam oxu »z. immediately, at once, instantly, in no time, without delay; ~ qayıtmaq to return immediately / at once / instantly
Tam oxu »(-ди, -да) n. volt, unit of electro-motive force which constantly applied to a conductor whose resistance is one ohm will produce a current of one amp
Tam oxu »1. adj. long lived, longeval; эбеди къацу adj. evergreen; 2. adv. constantly, always, forever; permanently; perennially; hourly; эбеди яз adv. forever
Tam oxu »...bother smb. by one’s chat tering, to disturb / to annoy smb.constantly; 2. (xörək) brains II. s. anat. cerebral; brain; ~ xəstəliyi disease of the br
Tam oxu »