1. bax bığ(ının) altından gülmək; 2. to smile cunningly лукаво улыбаться
Tam oxu »cunning1 n hiyləgərlik, biclik, hiylə, fənd, məkr, tülkülük; to play ~ d.d. biclik / hiyləgərlik etmək, hiylə / biclik / fənd işlətmək cunning2 adj hi
Tam oxu »sly boots / a cunning one стрелянный воробей / старый волк (хитрец, опытный человек)
Tam oxu »to bе a cunning / sly / ingenious / crafty man лис (об очень хитром человеке)
Tam oxu »...customer / a tough customer / a sly dog / a cunning rogue / a cunning fox / one who has been around / one who has knocked about / an old campaigner т
Tam oxu »...slyness; ~ etmək (özünü tülkülüyə qoymaq) to use cunning, to be* cunning, to pretend (to be) sham
Tam oxu »i. 1. slyness, cunning; (fırıldaq) guile, craft; 2. trickery, fraudulence; ~ etmək to pretend to be, to simulate; ~ işlətmək to use cunning, to be* cu
Tam oxu »n. craftiness, cunning, slyness; cleverness, shrewdness; circumvention, dodging; шейтӀанвал авун a) v. blow upon; b) v. boggle, be cunning.
Tam oxu »n. craftiness, cunning, slyness; cleverness, shrewdness; circumvention, dodging; шейтӀанвал авун a) v. blow upon; b) v. boggle, be cunning.
Tam oxu »n. craftiness, cunning, slyness; cleverness, shrewdness; circumvention, dodging.
Tam oxu »n. craftiness, cunning, slyness; cleverness, shrewdness; circumvention, dodging.
Tam oxu »I. i. fraud, cheat, trickster; slyboots II. s. sly, cunning; (məkrli) artful; ~ adam a sly person; ~ təbəssüm sly smile; ~ baxış cunning look
Tam oxu »...tail of fox / a sly one / a crafty fellow / a sharp fellow (of cunning, hypocritical man) лисий хвост (о хитром, лицемерном человеке)
Tam oxu »i. ruse, trick, craft, cunning; ~ ilə by trick; hərbi ~ ruse of war, war ruse; ~ işlətmək to use cunning, to be* craft, to cheat, to swindle
Tam oxu »1) n. craftiness, cunning, slyness; cleverness, shrewdness; circumvention, dodging; 2) n. acid, acrimony.
Tam oxu »1) n. craftiness, cunning, slyness; cleverness, shrewdness; circumvention, dodging; 2) n. acid, acrimony.
Tam oxu »s. insidious, perfidious, crafty, cunning, sly; ~ siyasətçi crafty politician; ~ düşmən insidious enemy
Tam oxu »I. i. 1. bastard, cunning; slyboots; swindler, rogue; 2. illegitimate child* II. s. illegitimate; ~ uşaq illegitimate child
Tam oxu »...mountebank, quack, charlatan, scoundrel, rogue II. s. sly, roguish; (bic) cunning; ~ təbəssüm roguish smile
Tam oxu »...business, agency; act, deed; 2) n. habits, manners; 3) n. craftiness, cunning, slyness; cleverness, shrewdness; circumvention, dodging.
Tam oxu »I. i. trickster, a crafty person; (bic) a sly / an arch / a cunning person; (fırıldaqçı) a fraud, a cheat, a cheater, a swindler, a crook, a sharper;
Tam oxu »...natural, illegitimate; ~ uşaq illegitimate / natural child; 2. sly, cunning, artful, shifty, dodgy; ~ təbəssüm sly smile; ~ adam dodger, shifty fello
Tam oxu »...fascinatingly, delightfully; piquantly; charmingly; seductively; winningly, invitingly; alluringly
Tam oxu »