v 1. kəsmək, dayandırmaq; qırmaq; sözünü kəsmək; to ~ a lecture with a question mühazirəni sual verməklə kəsmək; 2
Tam oxu »adj 1. yanlış, düzgün / doğru olmayan, səhv, yalan; an ~ answer yanlış cavab; ~ conclusions səhv / yanlış nəticələr; 2
Tam oxu »to vie with each other in telling smth. (to interrupt one another) говорить наперебой (рассказывать что-либо наперебой)
Tam oxu »1.bax meydan sulamaq; 2. (yersiz danışmaq) to interrupt someone at the wrong moment / to say smth. quite irrelevant некстати встревать в разговор
Tam oxu »to interrupt one another / to vie with each other in telling smth. / to chatter / to jabber away / to rattle on говорить наперебой / трещать / таратор
Tam oxu »corrupt1 adj 1. xarab olmuş / edilmiş, korlanmış, pozulmuş; əxlaqsız, tərbiyəsiz; ~ air korlanmış hava;, a ~ film full of sex and violence seks və zor
Tam oxu »...jump down someone’s throat / to curtail someone’s speech (to interrupt someone) наступать на язык / связывать язык (перебивать кого-либо возражениями
Tam oxu »sif. inexact, -e ; imprécis, -e, incorrect, -e ; ~ ifadə expression f inexacte
Tam oxu »I. s. mistaken, erroneous, wrong, incorrect; ~ fikir an erroneous point of view; ~ rəy wrong / mistaken opinion; ~ cavab wrong answer; ~ not mus. wron
Tam oxu »...(вызвать кого-либо на состязание, борьбу); 2. (yersiz danışmaq) to interrupt someone at the wrong moment / to say smth. quite irrelevant некстати вст
Tam oxu »...wrong; to be* at fault; 2. omission; misprint II. s. mistaken; incorrect, erroneous; ~ fikir / baxış a mistaken opinion; ~ inam mistaken / erroneous
Tam oxu »...implicate. КЪАРИШМИШ ХЬУН v. interfere, meddle; intervene, interpose; interrupt. КЪАРИШУГЪ adj. confused; matted.
Tam oxu »...implicate. КЪАРИШМИШ ХЬУН v. interfere, meddle; intervene, interpose; interrupt. КЪАРИШУГЪ adj. confused; matted.
Tam oxu »(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. hamper, hinder, impede; interrupt, disturb, interfere 2) v. jumble; 3) v. let by, pass; ignore, overlook; omit, leave out.
Tam oxu »someone’s head is full of holes (to be of a corrupt mind, absent-minded) рассеянный с улицы Бассейной / дырявая голова
Tam oxu »...sea, swell, large wave. ГЪАЛАТӀ n. error, mistake; something that is incorrect; blunder, fault; bug, programming error which causes a malfunction (Co
Tam oxu »...sea, swell, large wave. ГЪАЛАТӀ n. error, mistake; something that is incorrect; blunder, fault; bug, programming error which causes a malfunction (Co
Tam oxu »1) n. error, mistake; something that is incorrect; blunder, fault; bug, programming error which causes a malfunction (Computers); хата авун a) v. make
Tam oxu »1) adj. wild, savage; barbarous, tameless; also. чӀуран; 2) adj. incorrect; 3) adj. defective, faulty; 4) adj. hurtful, harmful; чӀуру адетар n. survi
Tam oxu »...1) défectueu//x, -se, imparfait,-e, insuffisant,-e, boiteu//x,-se, incorrect,-e ; ~ kitab un livre défectueux ; ~ hərəkət une mauvaise action ; ~ ifa
Tam oxu »adj. depraved, corrupt; faulty; putrid, rotten; out of order; wicked, naughty ; харапӀ авун v. spoil, damage; corrupt, taint; ruin; muddle, mess up; х
Tam oxu »adj. evil, wicked, bad, corrupt; vicious, malicious; unpleasant, vile; malign, harmful; spiteful.
Tam oxu »adj. evil, wicked, bad, corrupt; vicious, malicious; unpleasant, vile; malign, harmful; spiteful.
Tam oxu »...get entangled 3) v. interfere, meddle; intervene, interpose; interrupt; 4) v. join, associate; enter, go into; contract, accede; engage; 5) v. climb;
Tam oxu »...normalar) morals pl., morality, moralities pl.; ethics; ~ı pozğun corrupt in morals; graceless; ~ını pozmaq: 1) (tərbiyəsini pozmaq) to corrupt (d.),
Tam oxu »...~si ağzında qalmaq to be* interrupted; ~sini ağzında qoymaq to interrupt (d.); Arifə bir kəlmə / işarə kifayətdir at. söz. ≅A word is enough to the w
Tam oxu »...to draw* aside (d.); (zərbədən) to parry (d.); to remove (d.); to corrupt (d.), to debauch (d.)
Tam oxu »adj. debauched, depraved, wanton, corrupt, licentious. КЪАГЬВЕ n. coffee, beverage made from water filtered through coffee beans . КЪАГЬВЕДАН n. coffe
Tam oxu »adj. debauched, depraved, wanton, corrupt, licentious. КЪАГЬВЕ n. coffee, beverage made from water filtered through coffee beans . КЪАГЬВЕДАН n. coffe
Tam oxu »...pis yola çəkmək; mənəviyyatını pozmaq; a film likely to ~ and to corrupt young people gənclərin əxlaqını və mənəviyyatını pozan film
Tam oxu »...principles in order to gain something (Offensive Slang); явавилик кутун v. corrupt, deprave, debauch; defile, pollute.
Tam oxu »...traitor to revolution II. s. treacherous, traitorous, perfidious; corrupt; ~ hərəkət treacherous action
Tam oxu »...своё место); 3. to stop someone’s mouth with fine phrases (to interrupt smb.) замазывать рот / давать по губам (перебивать, недопустить что-то сказат
Tam oxu »...to spoil*, to be* spoiled; to be* marred; (əxlaqca) to become* corrupt / demoralized; (diş) to decay; istidən korlanmamaq to resist heat, to be* heat
Tam oxu »...Xəstə xarabdır The patient is bad; ~ etmək to spoil, (mənəviyyatca) to corrupt (d.); Telefon xarab olub The telephone is out of order; ~ olmaq to bec
Tam oxu »...reupholster, re-cover furniture with cushions springs and fabric; interrupt; catch; spoil, damage ; 8) v. become silent; break off; 9) v. end, finish
Tam oxu »...reupholster, re-cover furniture with cushions springs and fabric; interrupt; catch; spoil, damage ; 8) v. become silent; break off; 9) v. end, finish
Tam oxu »...horse’s tail; 11. (suyu, qazı, cərəyanı və s.) to shut* off, to interrupt (d.), to break (d.); cərəyanı ~ to interrupt the current; 12. məc. (azaltma
Tam oxu »...(razılaşdırmaq) to decide, to agree; ~ünü kəsmək to cut* someone short, to interrupt someone; ~ünü tutmaq to take* the advice of, to obey; ~ vermək t
Tam oxu »...conception); knotty idea; əsas ~ fundamental / basic idea; yanlış ~ wrong / incorrect idea / conception; Bu fikir yanlışdır This conception is wrong;
Tam oxu »