n psixologiya; child ~ uşaq psixologiyası; the ~ of the teenagers yeniyetmələrin psixologiyası
Tam oxu »n. psychologist, expert in psychology, one who treats mental illnesses, one who studies mental processes.
Tam oxu »n. psychology, psychics, study of the mind, study of human behavior, study of mental and emotional processes.
Tam oxu »...feebleminded, lacking intelligence; imbecile, mentally handicapped (Psychology); cretinous, mentally deficient (thyroid disease that causes mental an
Tam oxu »...feebleminded, lacking intelligence; imbecile, mentally handicapped (Psychology); cretinous, mentally deficient (thyroid disease that causes mental an
Tam oxu »...qaydasındadır / yaxşıdır; 3. ~ up bilən, fərasətli; He isn’t well up in psychology O, psixologiya sahəsində qüvvətli deyildir well3 v 1. (to ~ up / o
Tam oxu »