I. i. socialist II. s. socialist; ~ inqilabı socialist revolution; ~ dövləti socialist State; ~ partiyası socialist party
Tam oxu »...socialism; ~ cəbhəsi countries of the socialist camp / world; ~ yarışı socialist emulation
Tam oxu »s. Utopian; ~ sosializm Utopian socialism; ~ sosialist Utopian socialist; ~ xəyalpərəst Utopian dreamer
Tam oxu »i. sector; təsərrüfatın sosialist ~u socialist sector of economy; xalq təsərrüfatının dövlət ~u State-owned sector of national economy
Tam oxu »n. presidium, executive committee in socialist countries that acts of behalf of a legislative body that is not in session.
Tam oxu »n 1. inqilab; bourgeois / socialist ~ burjua / sosialist inqilabı; 2. çevriliş; palace ~ saray çevrilişi; 3. ciddi dəyişiklik; inqilab; a ~ in modern
Tam oxu »...praktika theory and practice; sosialist inqilabı ~si theory of socialist revolution; sinfi mübarizə ~si theory of class struggle; nisbilik ~si theory
Tam oxu »...dictatorial system of government; Nazi, member of the German National Socialist Party that governed in Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler f
Tam oxu »i. property; ictimai ~ social property; sosialist ~i socialist property; dövlət ~i state property; şəxsi ~ personal property; xüsusi ~ private propert
Tam oxu »...representative of the press; sosialist realizminin ~si representative of socialist realism; 2. messenger, envoy; sülh ~si envoy of peace; fövqəladə ~
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