relish1 n 1. həzz, zövq, ləzzət; to eat with great ~ çox böyük ləzzətlə yemək; 2. xoşagəlməyən iy / dad / tam; ~ of garlic sarımsaq tamı; 3. məzə, çər
Tam oxu »Butter to butter is no relish. Масло по маслу не приправа. (Всякое однообразие приедается.)
Tam oxu »with enjoyment and relish / with gusto (to eat with great pleasure) смаковать (есть смакуя, с наслаждением)
Tam oxu »v 1. dağıtmaq, yıxmaq, uçurmaq; to ~ a building binam uçurmaq / dağıtmaq; 2. təkzib etmək, yalan olduğunu sübut etmək, yalana çıxartmaq; to ~ argument
Tam oxu »Polish1 n polyak dili Polish2 adj Polşa; polyak; the ~ language polyak dili polish1 n 1. pardaq, cila, pardaqlama, cilalama; a table with a high ~ çox
Tam oxu »to polish school benches (office, chairs, etc.) with one’s trousers / Cf. to polish one’s ass / to shiny-bum * протирать штаны (долго пребывать на как
Tam oxu »f. to grind* (d.); (həm də məc.) to polish (d.), to gross (d.), to make* (d.) glossy
Tam oxu »...pleasure, enjoyment; gratification, delight; joy, amusement; relish, treat; 2) n. friendliness, amiability; amity, friendship; 3) n. bonhomie, genial
Tam oxu »adv. with pleasure, gladly, kindly, with great relish. ЛЕЗЕТСУЗ adj. unpleasant, not genial, not pleasant; disagreeable, nasty. ЛЕЗЕТСУЗВАЛ n. ameniti
Tam oxu »adv. with pleasure, gladly, kindly, with great relish. ЛЕЗЕТСУЗ adj. unpleasant, not genial, not pleasant; disagreeable, nasty. ЛЕЗЕТСУЗВАЛ n. ameniti
Tam oxu »f. to polish (d.); to burnish (d.); şüşəni ~ to polish glass; mebeli ~ to polish the furniture
Tam oxu »begin to enjoy (relish) smth. / to acquire a taste for smth. / to get into one’s stride входить (войти) во вкус (освоившись, оценив что-либо, испытыва
Tam oxu »enjoyably / with gusto (relish) / most willingly / with a will / with pleasure / powerfully / vigorously * за милую душу / * со вкусом (охотно, с удов
Tam oxu »...brake; comb; scutch, beat or dress flax; swingle; 2) v. break, shatter; demolish, destroy; overwhelm, defeat; depolarize, remove polarity; 3) v. brea
Tam oxu »...чему-либо; 2. (yavaş-yavaş maraqlanmağa başlamaq) begin to enjoy (relish) smth. / to acquire a taste for smth. / to get into one’s stride входить (во
Tam oxu »...cause smb. to polish (d.); döşəməni ~ to cause / to ask smb. to polish the floor
Tam oxu »...süxurların səthinin hamarlanması prosesi. ледниковая шлифовка glacial polish
Tam oxu »...eradicate, sweep; wipe out, stamp out; devour, consume; exterminate, kill; demolish, ruin; overthrow, overturn; crush; outroot.
Tam oxu »...eradicate, sweep; wipe out, stamp out; devour, consume; exterminate, kill; demolish, ruin; overthrow, overturn; crush; outroot.
Tam oxu »...eradicate, sweep; wipe out, stamp out; devour, consume; exterminate, kill; demolish, ruin; overthrow, overturn; crush; outroot.
Tam oxu »...destroy (d.), to demolish (d.); köhnə binanı ~ to destroy / to demolish an old building
Tam oxu »...give lustre to smth.; to throw* / to shed* lustre on smth. 2. to polish (d.)
Tam oxu »I. i. burnish, polish; lustre, gloss II. i. kim. vitriol; dəmir ~ı green vitriol; mis ~ı blue vitroil
Tam oxu »...eradicate, sweep; wipe out, stamp out; devour, consume; exterminate, kill; demolish, ruin; overthrow, overturn; crush; outroot.
Tam oxu »...eradicate, sweep; wipe out, stamp out; devour, consume; exterminate, kill; demolish, ruin; overthrow, overturn; crush; outroot.
Tam oxu »f. tex. 1. to burnish (d.), to blue (d.), to polish (d.); 2. to grind* (d.); 3. (kimyəvi üsulla) to oxidize (d.)
Tam oxu »(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. destroy, demolish, ruin; break down; make havoc, vandalize; also. уьцӀуьрун; 2) v. put in, bring in, lead in; institute, set; int
Tam oxu »1) adv. with pleasure, gladly, kindly, with great relish; 2) high spirits; 3) adv. friendly. ХУШДАКАЗ 1) adv. willingly, readily; gladly, heartily; so
Tam oxu »...forthcoming; neighborly; хуш атун v. derive pleasure, enjoy, please, relish, find enjoyment in; хуш хьун a) v. rejoice; rejoice at, be glad about; .
Tam oxu »...chirp, chirrup, twitter, tweet; 4) v. react, respond; report, tell; relish; smack; 5) v. read; state, say; run, go; 6) v. curse, swear; abuse, revile
Tam oxu »...sword iti bıçaq / qılınc; 2. kəskin, tünd (dad haq ); dishes with a ~ relish tünd xuruşu olan xörəklər; 3. kəskin, çox bərk / güclü, şiddətli; ~ fros
Tam oxu »