understanding1 n 1. anlama, başa düşmə, baş çıxarma; He hasn’t much understanding of the question O, bu məsələni çox da anlamır; He has a good underst
Tam oxu »it’s beyond human understanding / this is incredible / there’s just no explaining (how, what, etc.) уму непостижимо (совершенно непонятно, необъяснимо
Tam oxu »to secure someone’s consent (to come to an agreement / understanding with someone about smth.) заручиться согласием (договориться, прийти к соглашению
Tam oxu »to reach understanding / to understand one another / to see eye-to-eye / to find common language with someone = находить общий язык
Tam oxu »to see eye-to-eye / to find common language / to reach an understanding with someone / to understand one another находить общий язык
Tam oxu »to find common language with someone / to reach an understanding / to understand one another / to see eye-to-eye находить общий язык / снюхаться (стол
Tam oxu »all at sea / baffled / lost (not understanding smth.) / Cf. to go astray * как (словно) в тёмном лесу (в полном неведении, не понимая, не разбираясь в
Tam oxu »...with someone / the opinions differ / someone does not reach an understanding не находить общего языка / сильно расходиться во мнениях / Ср. встречать
Tam oxu »1. to find common language with someone / to reach an understanding / to understand one another / to see eye-to-eye говорить на одном (общем) языке /
Tam oxu »adj. understanding, comprehending; conscious, aware; great; clever, intelligent.
Tam oxu »adj. understanding, comprehending; conscious, aware; great; clever, intelligent.
Tam oxu »...arrangements with someone about smth. / not to come to an agreement (understanding) не сваришь каши / пива (не договоришься, не сговоришься)
Tam oxu »кьил-кьилел алай adj. reasonable, rational, logical; intelligent; understanding, comprehending.
Tam oxu »кьил-кьилел алай adj. reasonable, rational, logical; intelligent; understanding, comprehending.
Tam oxu »...sagacity, persicacity, insight, shrewdness; aptitude for quick understanding / learning, etc., mental faculty; ability, skill
Tam oxu »...with one another, to arrange matters, to come* to an agreement / understanding (about)
Tam oxu »f. to come* to an arrangement / understanding (about), to arrange matter (about), to make* arrangements (about, for)
Tam oxu »...to come to arrange matters, to help to come to an agreement / understanding (about); 2. bax düzəltmək
Tam oxu »i. (anlama, dərk etmə) understanding, apprehension, sagacy; reason; (ağıl, zəka) mind, intelligence, mother wit; (sezmə) conjecture, guess-work, surmi
Tam oxu »...ifadə edilməyən; nəzərdə tutulan; 2. dinməz, danışmaz; to have a ~ understanding with smb. bir kəsi sözsüz başa düşmək; 3. yazılmamış (qanun haq.)
Tam oxu »...qabiliyyətsiz, bacarıqsız; aciz; thoroughly ~ tam qabiliyyətsiz; ~ of understanding atılamağa qabil olmayan, ~ to lie / of a lie / of telling a lie y
Tam oxu »i. agreement; understanding; ~ə gəlmək to come* to an agreement, to reach an agreement; to come* to terms; ~ bağlamaq to enter into an agreement (with
Tam oxu »n. mind; understanding; reason, sense; wit, intell; акьул кьиле авай кас adj. Reasonable man; акьул кьиляй акъатун or акьул фин a) go round the bend,
Tam oxu »n. mind; understanding; reason, sense; wit, intell; акьул кьиле авай кас adj. Reasonable man; акьул кьиляй акъатун or акьул фин a) go round the bend,
Tam oxu »...look (into) (d.); (başa düşmək) to understand* (d.), to gain an understanding (of), to come* to know particulars (of); 2) bax fərqləndirmək
Tam oxu »...get on, They are at odds idiom.; 2. to come* to an agreement / understanding (in / about price of smth.)
Tam oxu »