everything’s fine / everything’s hunky-dory / everything’s peachy всё по уму (как надо, как полагается)
but that’s not how it turned out! / no such luck / far from it / nothing of the sort / not this time! / it was no use / but in vain / Cf
it’s all over! / it’s a dead end! / the game is up! / finish! / Cf. it’s a passing bell! / taps! сливай воду! / всё кончено! / всё пропало! (на этом к
to come when someone else has got things going / to have it brought in on a tray приходить (идти, прийти) на готовое (готовенькое)
Lit. When it’s milled there will be flower. / When the rough places are smoothed over. / It’ll all be pleasant again
everything has been grasped, foreseen, concerted, arranged, etc. / everything is OK * всё на корню схвачено (всё предусмотрено, согласовано, заранее у
in perfect (complete) order / in apple-pie order / everything is in order / everything is fine (all right) / Cf
all in good time всё в своё время
Learn to say before you sing. Всё осваивается постепенно.
everything will be all right / everything will be in order / everything will be tip-top / everything will be O
everything is fine (jake, hunky-dory, tip-top, top notch, squeaky-clean, ticketty-boo, ship-shape) * полный ажур (полный порядок)
it’s all for the best всё к лучшему
(and) the trick is done / the job is in the bag / the thing is in the bag / it is as good as done дело в шляпе (всё в порядке, вопрос решён, дело сдел
at least of all меньше всего
someone wanders like a lost soul / someone goes about in a daze как (словно, будто, точно) потерянный (растерянный, пришедший в уныние, потерявший при
it’s better than meat and drink to someone / nothing pleases someone so much as ... / there’s nothing someone enjoys more than
to pick on everything / to find fault in everything ко всему придираться
bax hər şeyə qulp bağlamaq
to see things bloodshot видеть всё в тёмном (чёрном) цвете
you mustn’t be too exacting / finicky не всякое лыко в строку
to be of an inquiring turn of mind / to have a love of knowledge быть любознательным
to see everything through rose-coloured spectacles смотреть сквозь розовые очки / видеть всё в розовом цвете
to call a spade a spade (to call things by their proper names) называть вещи своими именами
to attach a great importance to every trifle придавать значение всякому пустяку
to distort / to misrepresent smth. / to twist smth. inside out выворачивать (вывёртывать) наизнанку (представлять что-либо совсем в ином свете, искажа
to see smth. through rose-coloured spectacles / to cast (to put) a lively colour (colours) on smth. / to depict (to paint, to represent) smth
there’s a beauty for you: everything is as it should be, all smooth and lovely / she’s got what it takes / she has plenty of here and there (of these
We know not what is good until we have lost it. / Cf. The cow knows not what her tail is worth until she has lost it
There is a time for all things. / To every thing there is a season. / Everything is good in its season
The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. / The pitcher goes once too often to the well but it is broken at last
Short acquaintance brings repentance. / Old friends and old wine are best. / An old friend is better than (is worth) two new ones
on all accounts / on every account * со всех точек зрения
* taking it all round рассматривая это со всех сторон (принимая всё во внимание)
to sing the praises of someone or smth. in every quarter / to curse someone or smth. for all to hear на каждом углу (повсюду)
to proclaim smth. from the house-tops / to cry (declare, shout) smth. from the roof-tops кричать на всех перекрёстках (славить во всеуслышание, повсюд
to fetch a good price / to be at a premium быть в цене (что-либо очень ценное)
to stand on the pedals (to do one’s utmost, uttermost, damnedest) жать (нажимать) на все педали / пружины / кнопки (работать, действовать интенсивно,
here and there / here, there and everywhere * там и тут / там и сям (в разных местах, повсюду)
from every quarter / from all quarters / from every corner со всех концов (отовсюду)
* all over the place повсюду, везде
to speak evil (ill) of someone or smth. in all nots and keys / Cf. to pick someone or smth. to pieces склонять на все лады / во всех падежах / по всем
someone pokes (thrusts) his nose into everything / someone butts ( pries) into everything к каждой (ко всякой) бочке затычка /совать (свой) нос
everybody who feels like it / anybody who cares / whoever isn’t too lazy все, кому (только) не лень
bax hər yerindən duran
1. (ən yaxında olan insan) the nearest one / the first person / the first thing one comes across первый встречный / первый попавшийся / встречный-попе
try to browbeat someone into doing smth. / to play someone up / to scare the daylight out of someone / try to bully someone / try to shout someone dow
the hostilities (military operations) военные действия
to be under arms под ружьём (в армии)
to assemble in full battle dress * в ружьё (в строй с оружием в руках вставать)
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