to use words lightly / to speak thoughtlessly (irresponsibly) бросаться словами (безответственно говорить)
1. * none the less однако; 2. (baxmayaraq) but for all that / none the less / nevertheless / still / all the same / even though / although при всём пр
here goes! / come what may! / well, I can only die once! / never say die! / I’ve seen worse than that / to do smth
1. bax dəmdəməki adam; 2. (etibarsız adam) weathercock / turncoat / double-crosser / two-timer сума перемётная
1. (bir az, az-az) in minute doses (portions) / in driblets / in microscopic doses (very slowly) через час по чайной ложке; 2
in ages / Cf. once in a blue moon (very rarely) в кои-то веки (очень редко) / редко когда
Each to his own taste. / Every man is mad on some point. / Every man has his hobby-horse. / Cf. Every cock sings in his own manner
to chosen haphazard / to chosen at random / a scratch lot / what is (was) going / of doubtful parentage (of children) с бору да (и) с сосёнки (кого по
one pulls one way and the other pulls the other way кто куда (несогласованно, неодинаково, недружно)
to run (disperse) in all directions / to scatter (make off) in different directions / to run helter-skelter кто куда (в разные стороны)
Many a little (pickle) makes a mickle. / Cf. Grain by grain, and the hen fills her belly. / A pin a day is a groat a year
bax hər ağızdan bir avaz çıxır
each in his (her) own fashion (way) and as hard as he (she) can / each does whatever he (she) is able / in disunity кто во что горазд
a head / per head (of collecting smth. at the rate of ...) с носа / с носу (с каждого, с одного человека)
a mode of action * образ действия (характер действия)
to come into play / come (or go, move) into action / to take the road of smth. / to embark on the path of smth
things are moving / we’ve taken the first step / it’s begun лёд тронулся (началось)
to be in a flurry / to be in a whirl / to be in disorderly motion (activity) / to rock * ходить ходуном (приходить в движение, бурно проявляться)
to put smth. in motion привести что-либо в движение, в действие
to charge (to blow) head on / Cf. to blow right in the teeth в лоб (навстречу движению ударять и т.п
stock-still / not a scrap of progress / not go any further * ни с места (на том же уровне, в том же состоянии)
bax hərənin ağzından bir avaz gəlir
Lit. One man loves the priest and another the priest’s wife. / Cf. Tastes differ. / There is no accounting for tastes
the letter and the spirit дух и буква (библейское выражение)
word for word / just the same / exactly as (literally, to the letter) буква в букву (буквально, очень точно)
1. (əgər) were it not (unless) если бы не; 2. (...təqdirdə) if need be / if anything goes wrong в случае чего (если случится что-либо, обычно о возмож
1. bax ağlı başındadır; 2. no fool / not born yesterday / one who knows what’s what не пальцем делан (не дурак, понимает, что к чему)
he’s no fool / he is not a lad to waste time не будь плох (вовремя смекни, как следует поступить)
taking advantage of someone’s inexperience / at someone else’s expense на дурняка (используя простоту, наивность кого-либо)
to say Amen to smth. соглашаться с чем-либо
to come under the hammer (to be sold by auction) пойти с молотка
bax auksion ilə satmaq
a versatile worker / all-round craftsman / handy man / he can turn his hand to anything (try his hand at anyting) / he is up to anything / there’s not
someone has all merits and virtues possible / someone gets me (him, her, you, them) all ways / someone is a first-rate lad (girl) всем взял / всем взя
someone’s head is stuffed with straw голова соломой набита
to throw salt on someone’s tail / to tell someone a piece of one’s mind / to call names накрутить хвостa / сквернословить (отчитать, отругать)
to imitate someone / try to look like someone шутл. повторюшничать (кто-либо старается уподобиться, прировнять себя кому-то другому)
1. bax üzünə həsrət qalmaq; 2. bir şeyin to miss something
bax qiyamət qoparmaq
bax həşir qoparmaq
to show someone a thing or two / to make it hot for someone / to give someone hell / to give someone a good dressing-down (a wigging, a sound thrashin
and even ... / and even then ... * и то (более того, и даже при этом)
there is no end to smth. / there is no getting rid of someone / packed like herrings in a barrel / packed in (together) like sardines in a tin / more
to cause someone to lose desire to smth. отбивать охоту кому-либо
enough is as good as a feast / enough is enough / moderation in all things / plenty is no deinty / it is too much of a good thing / extremes are dange
1. (məmnuniyyətlə, razılıqla) to enjoy smth. / to do smth. with the utmost pleasure / to work with a verve (to get / to set to work heartily) * в охот
begin to enjoy (relish) smth. / to acquire a taste for smth. / to get into one’s stride входить (войти) во вкус (освоившись, оценив что-либо, испытыва
willingly / readily / with enthusiasm / with animation скрепя сердце (с большой неохотой) / душа не принимает / сердце не лежит / душа не лежит / не п