they are bosom friends / they can’t be parted for worlds / nothing can part them / they stick together / they are thick as thieves водой не разольешь
Be well in with someone. / Be on close terms with someone. / They are thick as thieves. / Try the hail-fellow-met approach with someone
bax aralarından qıl keçməz
bax aralarını vurmaq
to drive a wedge between two persons / to create a rift between someone вбить клин (поссорить)
to keep at a respectable distance / to keep (hold) aloof / to keep away / to stand aside (off) держаться в почтительном отдалении
to keep someone at arm’s length / to keep someone at a distance держать в почтительном (в известном) отдалении (не допускать с кем-либо близких, корот
bax araya söz salmaq
bax ortaya tökmək
1. (vasitəçi) go-between / middleman посредник; 2. (qız almağa gedən elçi) match-maker сват
bax ara qarışmaq
bax ara sözü
bax arada qalmaq
at a gentle trot мелкой рысью
to take it hard (to worry about smth.) брать в голову (беспокоиться, волноваться из-за чего-либо)
to be (well) in with someone / to be on friendly (close) terms with someone / to be on a friendly footing with someone / to try the hail-fellow-met ap
Get nothing for one’s pains. / Lose one’s hopes of getting rich. / Be no better off than at the start
to take off partition / to indulge in confidence / to become intimate иметь близкие отношения
bax ara qatmaq
to help people to be on good terms / to patch up a quarrel построить мосты (познакомить, наладить хорошие отношения)
someone is at work орудовать (кто-либо, воспользовавшись отсутствием надзора, контроля, орудует во всю; воспользоваться удобным случаем)
to break off relations рвать отношения
to break off relations / to cause rows ломать мосты / порвать отношения
to stir up trouble / to make a mess / to make a muddle of things / to start the ball rolling / to put the chestnuts in the fire заварить кашу
to make people quarrel with one another натравить друг на друга / посеять семя раздора (поссорить)
to arouse / to exite / to provoke fight (between people) / an apple of discord / a bone of contention посеять яблоко раздора (портить отношения)
bax aranı kəsmək
bax aranı sazlamaq
bax aranı düzəltmək
bax aranı pozmaq
to pal in (on, up) with someone / to be well in with someone / to hobnob with someone по корешам / на короткой ноге (быть в дружеских отношениях)
1. (dostlaşmaq) to be on friendly terms with someone приближаться к кому-либо (подружиться) 2. bax arası dəymək
to rupture a (mutual) friendship / to take umbrage at someone / to fall (run) foul of someone / to fall out with someone (to quarrel with someone) вст
every now and again / time and time again (continually) * то и знай (беспрестанно, беспрерывно)
bax arası olmaq
bax … arası sazdır
to be on bad terms with someone / to be at odds with someone / be hanger and tongs with someone / to be at logger heads with someone / to get on worse
to get along with someone / to get on well with someone / to live at peace with someone / to live in harmony with someone / to live in concord with so
bax … arası var
1. to like smth. greatly любить что-либо; 2. to be on friendly terms быть в дружеских отношениях
between them (among them) * в ряду (среди, в числе кого или чего-либо)
1. to give someone a start in life / to set someone up in the world вывести в люди; 2. to come right / the things take shape выводить на дорогу / выве
1. (müsbət mənada) to help people to be on the best terms строить мосты между кем-либо (посредничать, быть посредником между спорящими людьми); 2
to spoil attitude between people / to create hostility (among people) / to act as madiator (to interfere) посеять семя раздора
1. to make a laughing-stock of someone / to get the rise out of someone / to make fun of someone / to take a rise out of someone / to make a monkey of
bax araya qoymaq
to poke one’s nose into smth. / to pry into smth. / to butt into smth. / to thrust one’s nose into smth
to cut someone short (to interrupt someone) встревать в разговор
One can wade through any sea. / One is absolutely reckless. / Someone is a devil-may-care fellow. / Not to give a damn