to be a terror / to be a scourge быть грозой / быть бичом
bax Dərd gələndə xalvarla gələr, misqal ilə çıxar.
Evil comes from evil. Зло порождает зло.
to see right through someone / to know every thought of someone видеть насквозь (хорошо знать кого-либо)
from the cradle с пелёнок
to be hardly out of pinafores / to wet behind the ears / scarcely out of the shell yet / a stripling / from the time one wore knee breeches / to be ha
oh, yes! / why, of course! ну да (вы-ражает согласие, утверждение, подтверждение)
to say yes (to) / to assent (to) / to agree to a suggestion completely / to confirm smth. дакать / поддакивать (соглашаться с чем-либо; подтверждать
* if anything пожалуй, если хотите
the day when pigs fly / Cf. when two Sundays come together / Amer. when the hell freezes over когда воробьи на юг полетят (неивестно когда)
that is as clear as daylight (as day, as noonday, as the sun at noonday) ясно как божий день (совершенно понятно)
to be over head and ears in love with someone / to fall head over heels in love with someone / to be up to the ears in love with someone / to lose on
to be like chalk and cheese (someone becomes sick, pale, weak) похож как мел на сыр / кто-либо пожелтел (у кого-либо болезненный, измученный, уставший
in the form of smth. / shaped like smth. * в виде (наподобие)
to go hand in hand * рука в руку / рука об руку (вместе, наряду с чем-либо идти, протекать и т.п.)
to put the sign of equality between someone or smth. / to put on the same level with someone or smth
to clear one’s skirts восстановить (репутацию)
to go flying head over heels / to fall head over heels / to go topsy-turvy (to collapse, to be shattered) лететь (полететь) вверх тормашками (рушиться
to doom smth. to destruction (demolition, ruin) пустить на распыл / списать на распыл (обречь на разрушение, уничтожение)
from bad to worse / thoroughly bad / wretchedly / simply (absolutely) terrible (very poor) из рук вон плохо (очень плохо)
1. well, he’s (she’s) a one! / ata (atta) boy (girl)! / lovely! / quite a … eh! / my word! / this is something! / now, there’s something! / go on, let
beforehand / in good time заранее
to get hold of someone / to take someone to task / to call someone to account / to put the screw on someone брать за бока
bax bəd ayaqda
to give someone a big kiss / to give someone a real kiss крепко целовать
to become very fond of someone крепко полюбить
to keep someone in cotton wool / to treat someone with a heavy hand / to rule someone with a rod of iron / to keep someone well under one’s thumb держ
bax bərkdən-boşdan çıxmaq
to have high words with someone крупно поговорить (крупно поспорить)
to give someone a good thrashing (pounding, dusting, licking, dressing-down) / to give it someone hot / to give someone what for / to give someone the
under seven seals / under seven locks and seals / sealed and guarded / well hidden (inaccessible) за семью замками / под десятью замками (под надёжной
a mortal offence / a grievous offence кровавая обида
to run at breakneck pace / to run for one’s life / to flee away * cо вех ног (очень быстро, стремительно бежать, броситься бежать и т
the place is getting too hot for one земля горит под ногами
to give someone a good lesson / to give someone a good dressing-down (talking-to, rating) / to haul someone over the coals / to rap someone’s finger
to shake someone to the depths of his being / to cut someone on a (the) raw / to cut someone to the heart (quick, raw, soul) * до самых потрохов (очен
having a terrible (an awful) hangover * с похмелюги (с тяжкого похмелья)
to deliver an extended stream of profanities / Cf. to curse someone up hill and down dale / to curse like a bargee (a trooper) загнуть / выразиться в
to sleep soundly / to be a sound sleeper / to be a heavy sleeper крепко спать (вообще)
= a sound sleep = крепкий сон
to be exposed to trials (to put to the test) подвергать испытаниям
someone has seen a lot of life / someone has seen a thing or two in one’s time / someone has seen things before / someone has been around / someone ha
an old hand / an old stager / a slick customer / a tough customer / a sly dog / a cunning rogue / one who has been around / one who has knocked about
an old hand / an old stager / a slick customer / a tough customer / a sly dog / a cunning rogue / a cunning fox / one who has been around / one who ha
at the top of one’s voice (very loudly) * голос в голос / во весь голос / в голос / на голос (очень громко)
bax bərkdən-boşdan çıxarmaq
to drive someone into a corner / to stand someone at a deadlock припeрeть к стенке / ставить в тупик / наседать (приставать с ножом к горлу)
1. to be driven into a corner быть припёртым к стенке; 2. to get into a tight mess / to get into a scrape / to get into a spot / to be nonplussed / to