try to make everyone or everything fit into the same pattern / to impose a dead level on everyone or everything / to make everyone or everything alike
bax ağlı başından getmək
to get into a scrape / to get into difficulty / to make oneself particularly ridiculous / to make a fool of oneself / to put one’s foot in it попадать
bax ağlı çatmır
to be a little touched / to be cuckoo / to go crackers / to go nuts тронуться умом / тронуться рассудком / тронуться мозгами
in one’s infinite wisdom / out of foolishness от большого ума
in one’s infinite wisdom (out of foolishness) от (с) большого ума (по глупости, сдуру, по недомыслию)
an iron grip мёртвая хватка
at random / at discretion / anyhow / higgledy-piggledy / just as one feels like it / at one’s own sweet will (pleasure) / whatever comes into one’s he
What do you think about it? / Do you can well believe that ...? / What is your opinion? Как вы думаете (думаешь)? / Допускаете (допускаешь) ли …? / Ка
bax ağlına vurmaq
1. I can well believe that ... / let me assume that ... допускать, (по)верить; 2. to recover one’s spirits / to feel like oneself / to gain the heart
not even admit the thought of smth. / there can be no question of smth. не допускать даже и мысли о чём-либо
be clever! / be a good man! не будь дураком!
all sorts of odds and ends / all sorts of things всякая всячина (всё без разбора)
bax ağla gəlmək 2-ci mənada
to cudgel one’s brain / to drag one’s brains about smth. (to think about smth., to consider) / someone’s head is stuffed with smth
I can’t imagine something like this во сне и не видеть (не думать и не предполагать)
to use one’s wits / to use one’s noddle / to use one’s brains шевелить мозгами (напряжённо думать)
someone doesn’t trouble his (her) mind не утруждать свой ум / не шевелить мозгами (не обдумать)
it’s beyond belief / it is hard to grasp it / one can hardly take it in / I’m at my wits’ end / I just don’t know what I should do / I just don’t know
to weigh for and against / to weigh pros and cons / to set one’s wits to work / to rack one’s brains / to addle one’s brains / to puzzle one’s brains
to wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve что у трезвого на уме, то у пьяного на языке
to be carried away by someone or smth. / to be carried off one’s head / to go mad about someone or smth
bax ağlını azdırmaq
to be beside oneself / to be out of one’s mind with worry / to be worried sick (to death); to go crazy своротить с ума (не отдавать отчёта в своих пос
bax ağlını başına yığmaq
to knock (take, whip) the nonsense out of someone / to beat the folly out of someone / to make someone see reason / to give someone a good lesson проч
to teach someone sense / to lecture someone / to put good sense into someone’s head / to knock sense into someone / to teach someone what’s what учить
to become sagacious (to think wisely) взяться за ум (образумиться)
to givе someone a drop of sense / to teach someone a thing or two вправить мозги
to sober down / to collect one’s senses / to come to reason / to get nonsense out of one’s head / to drive one’s madness out of one’s head выбросить д
to be carried off one’s head / to be carried away by someone / to go crazy about someone or smth. лишить ума / сводить с ума (пленять, очаровывать)
bax ağlını başından almaq
to come to one’s senses браться за ум / взяться за ум (образумиться)
bax ağlını cəm etmək
to go off one’s nut (bean, chump, crumpet, onion, rocker, rocket) / to go off the hooks сорваться с винта / помрачиться умом (обезуметь)
to get blind (dead, roaring) drunk / Cf. to be as drunk as a lord / to be as drunk as an owl / to be as drunk as a wheelbarrow / to be as drunk as a f
1. (çaşmaq) to lose one’s head / to lose one’s presence of mind / to make mistakes / to be mistaken / to take leave of one’s senses / to lose one’s wi
someone is an empty-headed / someone is a featherbrained / someone is a frivolous / someone is scatterbrained (flighty, though less) / someone is a gi
to fool smb. одурачить кого-то
to pull a boner / to make oneself particularly ridiculous / to put one’s foot in it / to make a fool of oneself / to get into a scrape (to be deceived
for shame! / shame on you! / fie upon you! / it’s outrageous! / there is (that’s) a limit / for pity’s sake! / have a heart! образумься! (имей совесть
to grind out some balderdash / to rave about smth. / to burst out into a lot of drivel / to talk rot / to talk rubbish / to babble some nonsense гор
Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. / In trouble to be troubled is to have your trouble doubled
to ask for trouble / to ask for it / to take risks / to stick one’s neck out / to spoil for a fight / to rush in where angels fear to tread (to make u
God damn you! / Death be with you! / Cholera be with you! / God curse you! / May you be thrice cursed! / May damnation take you! Будь ты (он) проклят!
off the reel / forced to take to one’s bed / collapsed с катушек долой (кто-либо тяжело заболел, свалился с ног)
bax ağrımaz başını bəlaya salmaq