to be the food for worms (to be dead) быть пищей для червей (быть мёртвым)
Lit. The wolf pitied the mare, left only her tail and mane. / Cf. As much love as there is between the old cow and the haystack
bax Qulaqlara qurquşun!
1. one is awfully hungry / one feels empty (hollow inside) / Cf. a vacuum in the lower regions / one’s stomach is howling / one’s belly cries cupboard
there is plenty (loads, a profusion) of smth. / enough and to spare / Cf. they are a dime a dozen / you may find them under every bush хоть пруд пруди
to put on the feed-bag заправиться (подкрепиться, плотно поесть)
to enter the path of smth. встать на путь
and that’s all! / and that’s that! / and that’s all there’s to it! / you can take it or leave it! / do or die! и никаких гвоздей! (и больше ничего, то
to be nearly out / to be on its way out / to be on the wane / to be drawing to its close / to be running out / to be coming to an end / to be nearing
to put someone upon bread and water сажать на хлеб и на воду (наказывать кого-либо голодом, ограничением в пище)
Cf. An empty hand is no lure for a hawk. Сухая ложка дерёт, а помажешь - хорошо будет.
all skin and bone / a bag of bones / a stack of bones одна кожа да кости / одни кости
someone is the mere shadow of his (her) former self / someone is worn to a shadow одна тень осталась
I wonder how he keeps body and soul together / he is so thin and feeble / it’s a wonder he is alive at all в чём только душа держится
nothing but skin and bones как доска (худой)
a rack of bones живые мощи
to feed someone with hopes / to whet someone’s appetite / to break promises (по)мазать по губам
to keep promising кормить обещаниями
dry as dust написанный сухим языком (скучный, неинтересный)
to live on snacks (to live on dry rations) * питаться всухомятку
not to get what one expected (hoped) to get / to get nothing for one’s pains / Cf. to be left high and dry / to be left out in the cold остаться на бо
not to give someone what he expected (hoped) to get / to dupe someone / to leave someone in squalor / Cf
Bearing someone’s trouble on one’s back. / Taking the rap for somebody else. / Shouldering other people’s sins
to stand as though struck dumb (thunder-struck) / to stock-still / to be dead / to be rooted to the ground (spot) / to be petrified / to be transfixed
to stand as though struck dumb / to stand as though thunder-struck / to stand as though stock-still / to stand as though dead / to stand as though roo
to play the coward / Cf. to be in a pretty funk / to show the white feather / to get (have) cold feet / to turn white-livered / to cry craven труса п
A bird may be known by its song. Птице даны крылья, а человеку - разум. / Красна птица пером, а человек - умом
* as merry as a cricket весёлый, как сверчок
light as a feather лёгкий, как пёрышко (очень лёгкий)
to hang (pin) smth. on someone / to pit the blame on someone / to point the finger at someone / to treat someone like a whipping-boy вешать (навешать)
to tick smth. off стaвить галочки на чём-либо
to stick one to another прилепиться друг к другу
A bird may be known by its song. Видна птица по полёту.
someone seems to have fallen through the earth / one has vanished into thin air / it is as though the earth had swallowed one up как (будто, точно, сл
pigeon’s milk птичье молоко
= birdbrain = куриные мозги (ограниченные, небольшие умственные способности)
bax vedrə bağlamaq
to lose the opportunity не воспользоваться предоставленной возможностью
bax quşu gözündən vurmaq
to hit the mark / to hit bull’s eye / Cf. the blow went home / to hit the nail on the head / to strike between wind and water / to put one’s finger on
to miss one’s aim / to miss the mark бить мимо цели (не достигать желаемого результата)
he’ll cut off the soles of your shoes from under you - right on the march / a desperado на ходу подмётки рвёт (режет)
to take a liking / to take a fancy to someone приглянуться
to fall into someone’s clutches / to get into someone’s talons попасть в когти / попасть в лапы (попасться, быть схваченным)
safe and sound / sound in mind and body / alive and kicking как штык (в отличной форме, здоров, бодр)
One is between two fires. / One is between the devil and the deep blue sea. Угодил промеж косяка и двери
to get into a tight corner попадать в переплёт (оказаться в безвыходном, критическом положении)
to get out of a mess выходить из передряги (из критического, безвыходного положения)
to put one’s tail between one’s legs / to show the white feather поджать (опустить, подвернуть) хвост
bax quyruğu qapı arasından çıxmaq