to take up the ball вступить в разговор
to break off the conversation закончить разговор
to fool someone by fine words / to put someone off with fair words / to fool someone with smooth talk / try to talk someone round заговаривать зубы
* to keep up the ball / to keep the ball rolling поддерживать разговор (продолжать разговор)
to take a roundabout approach to the subject = начать разговор издалека
someone wants to complete one’s conversation * прокладывать дорогу к финалу (заканчивать разговор)
the conversation flagged разговор не клеился
to hush up a talking заминать разговор
to return to one’s muttons вернуться к теме разговора
to stir up against someone / to set someone on smth. (to provoke someone to smth.) провоцировать кого-либо на что-либо
1. bax sazişə gəlmək; 2. to strike hands / to shake hands on smth. / to strike a bargain бить по рукам / ударять по рукам (заключать соглашение, сделк
forgive me for saying it / pardon me for mentioning it / God forgive me / if you’ll excuse my language c позволения сказать (извините за резкость, гру
to call someone names браниться (ругаться, сквернословить)
to give it someone hot / to give it someone good and hard / to give someone hell / to beat (thrash) someone black and blue / Cf
Hard words break no bones. Брань на вороту не виснет, кулак в боку не киснет. / Брань не дым - глаза не ест
to call names / to shut at someone / to make a noise / to give someone a good talking-to / to give someone a good scolding (dressing-down, wigging) /
* billingsgate language площадная брань
to swear like a bargee / to turn the air blue / to curse up hill and down dale / to run through all the dirtiest curses one knows ругаться последними
to open one’s mouth (trying to speak one’s piece, the word) / to give voice to smth. / to start an indirect conversation (about) / to open one’s lips
to seek for a cause / to seek for a word / to seek an excuse искать подходящие слова
1. to make someone talk / to force someone to tell smth. / to try to make someone tell smth. / to loose (loosen) someone’s tongue (по)тянуть за язык /
you can’t get a word out of him (her) / wild horses can’t drag a word out of him (her) слова (словечка) не вытянeшь (об очень молчаливом, неразговорчи
One is never at a loss for a word (words). / Someone does not cast about for words. / Someone does not mince words
1. to possess the gift of fluent speech (of eloquence) / someone does not cast about for words / someone has a ready tongue владеть словом / владеть д
bax söz altında qalmamaq
to be quick on the draw with wit / to be glib / glib-tongued боек на язык / боек на слова / язык хорошо подвешен
to speak in most simple terms / to chew smth. over for someone / to feed it to someone разжёвывать (разжевать) и (да) в рот класть (положить)
to talk scandal / to gossip / to sneak about / to tell tales сплетничать / ябедничать
between ourselves / between you and me and the bed-post (the door-post, the lamp-post, the post) (пусть останется) между нами
to fool someone by fine words / to put someone off with fair words / to fool someone with smooth talk / try to talk someone round заговаривать зубы (о
in the course of conversation / by the way / for example в случае / между прочим / кстати / к слову / к слову сказать
1. to make remarks and innuendo es to a girl / to be pebbling someone’s window-pane / to throw stones at someone’s window / to make a dig at someone (
one’s word has not weight, influence, authority, power не иметь веса, влияния, авторитета, силы (о слове)
between ourselves / between you and me and the gate-post между нами говоря (по секрету)
to loosen one’s tongue / let one’s tongue wag / to set a rumour / to tell tales (stories) / to build a word / to gossip / judging by smth
bax xəbərçilik etmək
to cast a hook (a line) / to put out a feeler / to drop (throw out) a hint / to see how the land lies закидывать (закинуть, забросить) удочку (осторож
bax söz buraxmaq
about the man, who does not mince the words, who has a ready tongue шутл. о человеке, который не лезет за словом в карман
A man’s word is worth more than money. / Cf. A bargain is a bargain. / A promise is a promise. / If you pledge don’t hedge
to put in a word for someone замолвить словечко
it is on the tip of someone’s tongue, and someone is itching to say it, to ask about it вертиться на языке (очень хочется сказать)
suitable for or out of place / to the occasion or irrelevant / at the moment or at the wrong moment / in turn or out of turn / appropriately or quite
the conversation touched on him (her) зайти разговор
bax söz çıxartmaq
1. to find fault with / to pick on придираться (видеть в чём-либо повод для…); 2. bax sözünü söz eləmək; 3
eloquenсе красноречие
to be subjected to remarks / to be severely criticized быть подвергнутым критике, замечаниям, осуждению за какой-либо поступок и т
bax dedi-qoduçular
to chew the fat / to tittle-tattle / to tell the tales / to gossip / to chatter / to jabber / to blather / to twaddle / to wag one’s tongue / bla-bla