someone doesn’t trouble his (her) mind не утруждать свой ум / не шевелить мозгами (не обдумать)
it’s beyond belief / it is hard to grasp it / one can hardly take it in / I’m at my wits’ end / I just don’t know what I should do / I just don’t know
to weigh for and against / to weigh pros and cons / to set one’s wits to work / to rack one’s brains / to addle one’s brains / to puzzle one’s brains
to wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve что у трезвого на уме, то у пьяного на языке
bax ağla gəlmək 2-ci mənada
to be carried away by someone or smth. / to be carried off one’s head / to go mad about someone or smth
bax ağlını azdırmaq
to be beside oneself / to be out of one’s mind with worry / to be worried sick (to death); to go crazy своротить с ума (не отдавать отчёта в своих пос
bax ağlını başına yığmaq
to knock (take, whip) the nonsense out of someone / to beat the folly out of someone / to make someone see reason / to give someone a good lesson проч
to teach someone sense / to lecture someone / to put good sense into someone’s head / to knock sense into someone / to teach someone what’s what учить
to become sagacious (to think wisely) взяться за ум (образумиться)
to givе someone a drop of sense / to teach someone a thing or two вправить мозги
to sober down / to collect one’s senses / to come to reason / to get nonsense out of one’s head / to drive one’s madness out of one’s head выбросить д
to be carried off one’s head / to be carried away by someone / to go crazy about someone or smth. лишить ума / сводить с ума (пленять, очаровывать)
bax ağlını başından almaq
to come to one’s senses браться за ум / взяться за ум (образумиться)
bax ağlını cəm etmək
to go off one’s nut (bean, chump, crumpet, onion, rocker, rocket) / to go off the hooks сорваться с винта / помрачиться умом (обезуметь)
to get blind (dead, roaring) drunk / Cf. to be as drunk as a lord / to be as drunk as an owl / to be as drunk as a wheelbarrow / to be as drunk as a f
1. (çaşmaq) to lose one’s head / to lose one’s presence of mind / to make mistakes / to be mistaken / to take leave of one’s senses / to lose one’s wi
someone is an empty-headed / someone is a featherbrained / someone is a frivolous / someone is scatterbrained (flighty, though less) / someone is a gi
to fool smb. одурачить кого-то
to pull a boner / to make oneself particularly ridiculous / to put one’s foot in it / to make a fool of oneself / to get into a scrape (to be deceived
for shame! / shame on you! / fie upon you! / it’s outrageous! / there is (that’s) a limit / for pity’s sake! / have a heart! образумься! (имей совесть
to grind out some balderdash / to rave about smth. / to burst out into a lot of drivel / to talk rot / to talk rubbish / to babble some nonsense гор
Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. / In trouble to be troubled is to have your trouble doubled
to ask for trouble / to ask for it / to take risks / to stick one’s neck out / to spoil for a fight / to rush in where angels fear to tread (to make u
God damn you! / Death be with you! / Cholera be with you! / God curse you! / May you be thrice cursed! / May damnation take you! Будь ты (он) проклят!
off the reel / forced to take to one’s bed / collapsed с катушек долой (кто-либо тяжело заболел, свалился с ног)
bax ağrımaz başını bəlaya salmaq
bax ağrımaz başına dəsmal bağlamaq
bax ağramayan başı ağratmaq
Dear! / Honey! / Darling! (tender appeal to someone) (ласковое обращение в значении, чтобы все недуги перешли на говорящего) дорогой! / мой милый!
bax Ağrın alım!
to pay for the mess one made / to clear up the mess / to pay for someone else’s doings (errors, mistakes) / to be answerable for another отдуваться св
to touch someone on the raw / to cut someone to the quick / to prick someone’s vanity / to tread on someone’s pet corn / to touch a very sore spot / t
bax ağrıyan yerinə dəymək
1. (qoca vaxtına çatmaq) to make old bones дожить до старости; 2. to be an adviser / to be the leader быть старейшим (самым уважаемым, к чьему мнению
to be judge / to lead someone / to give advice to someone быть наставником / быть арбитром (принять на себя руководство)
snake-in-the-grass / viper змея подколодная / ехидна (злобный, коварный, опасный человек)
to give someone a hug / to put one’s arms round someone / to embrace someone заключить в объятия
a nasty thing нельзя взять в рот (не бери в рот)
bax ağza alası deyil
not to have one’s own opinion действовать по чьей-либо воле, указке (не иметь своего мнения)
bax ağza salmaq
to bеcome the talk of the town (to become a matter of common talk, to be the subject of scandal) стать притчей во языцех
one has got no food / there is simply nothing to eat положить на зуб нечего (совершенно нечего есть)
to make the talk of the town (the subject of talk or conversation) сделать притчей во языцех (сделать предметом разговоров, пересудов)
to be agape / to be struck dumb (speechless) / to gape with wonder / to be open-mouthed with astonishment (to be amazed at smth