n. staircase, stairway; stairs; ladder.
also. гурлувал.
n. fall, waterfall, cascade.
(-из, -на, -а) also. гургур (гургур авун).
n. mess, disorder, disarray, untidiness; confusion, disarrangement, upset; litter, clutter; chaos, perturbation
n. Georgian.
n. vivacity, gaiety; ginger, vitality; glow.
also. гурлудаказ.
adv. lifelike; lively, sprightly, merrily.
n. chimney, flue, pipe that funnels smoke (away from a fireplace, furnace, etc.).
n. morgue, mortuary, place where corpses are stored before post-mortem exam or before being claimed for burial
n. puppy, cub.
(-аз, -уна, гутур) 1) v. fasten; 2) v. allow to approach.
conj. as if, as though.
Ӏ adj. grey, grizzly; leaden; wan.
ӀӀ гуьн.
adj. greyish, ashen, colored grey, somewhat grey.
adv. behind; after; abaft, in the direction of the stern (Nautical).
adv. behind; aback; after; posteriorly.
prep. after.
adj. following, next; ensuing, following as a consequence of; incoming; secondary.
adv. after.
n. mood, frame of mind; temper, disposition; spirit, overall feeling. ГУЬГЬУЬЛЛУ n. volunteer, one who offers his services of his own free will or wit
also. гуьгьуьллудаказ.
adv. volitionally, of one's own free will.
adj. bobtailed.
congrats, congratulations.
n. mirror, looking glass, reflection; glass.
adj. beautiful, handsome; fair, pretty; pleasant, attractive; gallant, chivalrous; proper .
n. loveliness, handsomeness; glory, beauty; pulchritude, external beauty.
also. гуьзелдаказ. ГУЬЗЕЛДАКАЗ adv. prettily, handsomely. ГУЬЗЕЛДИЗ also. гуьзелдаказ.
v. anticipate, expect; await; fear, apprehend; contemplate, think.