v. anticipate, expect; await; fear, apprehend; contemplate, think.
(-из, -на, -а) also. гуьзет (гуьзет авун). ГУЬЗЕТУН (-из, -на, гуьзет ая) also. гуьзет (гуьзет авун)
(-из, -на, -а) also. гуьзет (гуьзет авун).
n. overseer, supervisor; warden; censor; inspector; reeve. ГУЬЗЧИВАЛ n. observation, watch; supervision, surveillance; notice; outlook
n. summer wheat.
n. bullet, shot; pellet.
(-из, -на, -а) v. shoot down; shoot.
n. sock; foot; toe.
adj. sunny, illuminated by the sun, filled with sunlight; shiny; solar.
n. loaf, mass of bread which is shaped into a rectangular or rounded form and baked in one piece.
n. tomb, grave, sepulchre; reliquary.
(гуьз, гвена, гуьг) v. cut, mow; harvest, reap; jam, press; pinch; strangle, wring.
v. destroy, ruin; wreck, crash.
n. needle; prickle; quill, spine (i.e. porcupines); aiguille, spire.
n. declivity, descent, slope, decline.
adj. hapless, ill fated; ill-omened; accursed, unblessed.
also. гуьнуькъара.
also. гуьнуькъарадаказ. ГУЬНУЬКЪАРАДАКАЗ adj. unfortunate, unlucky; unhappy, sad. ГУЬРЗ (-уьни, -уьна, -ер) n
adj. bouncing, robust, strapping.
adj. conspicuous, sightly; prominent, distinguished, eminent.
ХЬУН v. be found; meet, get together; go with; see; occur.
n. jamb, upright section of a door frame or window frame; shoal, school of fish; flock, herd; slope; joint, marijuana cigarette (Slang)
adj. pretty, lovely; adorable, charming; delicious, delectable; cunning.
(-из, -на, -а) also. гуьрчег (гуьрчег авун).
n. refinement, elegance; stylishness, tastefulness; daintiness, exquisiteness; delicacy.
also. гуьрчегдаказ.