n. lariat, lasso; rope; noose.
also. кенеф.
n. cord, rope, string; tie.
n. chew, chaw; cud, small amount of food brought up to the mouth from the first stomach to be chewed a second time (in ruminants)
n. hasp; ravel; hank.
n. captain.
n. kopeck, Russian coin.
n. bran; chisel; offal, useless by-products; pollard, tree with the top branches cut back.
n. strainer, skimmer, filter for removing impurities or foreign objects from liquids .
n. truth, verity, fact; sooth.
n. magpie, person who talks all the time, chatterbox.
n. stump.
n. hoe, mattock.
n. brick.
n. truth, verity, fact.
(-из, -на, -а) v. prove, demonstrate, evidence; aver, assert, avouch; vindicate.
n. truth, verity; honesty, veracity.
also. кестирма.
n. clod, clod of earth.
n. influence, effect, impact; repercussion.
adj. poor, penurious, impecunious, indigent; necessitous, needy, beggarly; fortuneless, underprivileged; barren, lean, meager
also. кесиб (кесиб авун).
n. poverty, penury, indigence; lean purse; poverty line; want, necessity, need.
adv. in the grip of poverty.
adj. sharp, having a thin edge intended for cutting, not blunt; sudden; pointed; having a strong pungent taste or smell; shrill