n. hemorrhoids, piles, swollen blood vessels near the anus.
n. profession, occupation; business.
adj. short, brief, concise, succinct.
n. cloth; linen; canvas; blade.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. enjoyment, fun, pleasure, gratification.
n. health; lustiness, heartiness; well being; soundness.
n. bliss, blessedness, felicity; beatitude, blessing.
ӀӀ кеф.
n. north, direction opposite south on the compass, direction at one's left when facing the rising sun
n. health, freedom from disease; well-being (physical or mental).
n. kefir, drink of fermented milk.
adj. drunken, inebriated, intoxicated, tipsy, boozy (Slang).
n. grogginess, keif, kaif, kef, kief.
adj. unhealthy, unwell, sick, diseased; insalubrious, not good for one's health.
n. ailment, illness; indisposition, minor illness.
also. кефсуздаказ.
n. joker, jester, humorist; cut up, wag.
n. naughtiness, mischievousness.
(-из, -на, -а) v. reside, indwell; bide, tarry; sit.
adj. past; last; backward; distant.
n. groin, area where the thigh joins the abdomen (Anatomy).
n. priest, clergyman, minister; one who performs religious rites; prelate, priest of high position.
also. кешкина.
conj. if, if only; supposing; though.