ӀӀ (-и, -а, -ар) n. fold, sheep enclosure.
[ккар] Ӏ (-ади, -ада, -ар) n. ulcer, open sore accompanied by pus and disintegration of surrounding tissue (Pathology); chancre, sore (symptom of syph
[ккар] ӀӀ (-ци, -це, -ар) n. cap band, band.
n. employment, occupation; pursuit; business; work; trade, line; class.
n. appointment, nomination; function, role; place, position; office, incumbency.
(-из, -на) v. seem.
n. pencil, writing tool containing lead.
n. caravan; procession; train.
n. caravanserai, inn which accommodates caravans (in the Orient).
(катра, катра, картар) n. falcon, type of predatory bird which hunts during the day (characterized by a sharp beak and strong claws); battering ram; s
n. caricature.
n. weaver.
n. ewer, pitcher, jug.
ХЬУН 1) v. burn oneself; 2) v. suffer; writhe, be tormented (by pain); perish; labor under.
(-из, -на, -а) v. scald.
n. carnival.
n. map; card, thin and flat object; chart.
n. cardboard, pasteboard, hard paper substance used for boxes.
n. potato, plant grown for its starchy edible tubers (native to South America); spud (Ӏnformal), edible tuber of the potato plant
n. turtledove, various doves belonging to the genus Streptopelia and having an elongated tail .
n. canvas.
workroom, workshop; studio; manufactory.
(крчуни, крчуна, крчар) n. horn, drinking horn.
n. manufacturer; entrepreneur; industrialist; undertaker; employer, boss .
n. career, profession.
n. careerist, one whose chief goal is professional advancement; social climber, person nominated to a position as a personal favor or reward
n. personality, character, identity, individuality; person, individual; name; map.
n. cash register; cashbox; cash; ticket window.
n. cashier, person who handles purchases in a store; teller, bank employee who handles monetary transactions; booking clerk, ticket agent
n. caste, one of the four classes into which Hindu society is separated; class, station, social position; status
n. castor oil, type of oil obtained from castor beans and used as a lubricant and medication.
n. catalog; directory; index.
(-из, -на, -а) v. run off, escape.
n. category, class; denomination; predicament; rank.
n. hard labor, forced labor of convicted criminals as part of their punishment.
(-из, -на, кат/-а) v. run; flee, escape, abscond; scoot, scurry; race, course; be on the run.
n. running; scurry, scamper.
n. caoutchouc, rubber.
(кфади, кфада, кфар) n. foam, froth; cream.
n. cerement, cerecloth; shroud, burial cloth.
n. cafe, coffee house, tea house, place where coffee is served.
n. pulpit, rostrum, dais, speaker's platform; department, chair at the univers ity.
adj. disbeliever, faithless; unbeliever, irreligious; pagan, infidel.
also. кафтар.
(-и, -е, -ер) n. cat, pussycat; grapnel.
n. pick, pickax; hoe.
(кча, кча, кчар) n. bitch, female dog; highly offensive term for a difficult or lewd woman (Slang).
adj. scabby, infected with scabies; mangy, affected by mange; lousy, vile.
also. жузун.