also. фуф (фуф авун).
adj. working, laboring; operating; worker.
1) n. news, piece of news.
1. n. herald, crier, mouthpiece; 2. adj. informed; cognizant, aware; conversant; familiar; хабардар авун v
1). adj. ignorant, uninformed; incompetent, inexpert 2) adj. snap.
n. suddenness, abruptness.
also. хабарсуздаказ. ХАБАРСУЗДАКАЗ adj. Snap, suddenly, abruptly; plop, plump. ХАБАРСУЗДИЗ also. хабарсуздаказ
(-из, -на, -а) also. хабар 1) (хабар авун).
1) adj. brittle, friable; fragile, breakable; slight, delicate; also. . хун Ӏ;. 2) with calf; adj. in foal, with foal; also
n. sorrow, woe; affliction; mourning; хажалатдин adj. sad, gloomy; sorry, remorseful; mournful, grievous; хажалат авун or хажалатар авун v
adj. regrettable, sorrowful, causing grief and sadness, causing feelings of anguish.
v. be sad, grieve.
also. хажалатлудаказ. ХАЖАЛАТЛУДАКАЗ adv. ruefully; grievously; moodily. ХАЖАЛАТУН also. хажалат (хажалат авун)
ӀӀ (-ди, -да, -ар) n. fur, skin, coat, pelage.
Ӏ хун Ӏ, ӀӀ.
1) n. exchequer, treasury; chest, coffer; public purse, coffers; 2) n. buried treasure.
n. treasurer, bursar; paymaster; purse bearer.
1. n. betrayer, traitor, one who is disloyal or treacherous; 2, adj. disloyal, unfaithful, faithless; false; traitorous, treacherous; guileful, perfid
n. betrayal, treason; apostasy; perfidy, treachery; recreancy, disloyalty; хаинвал авун v. betray, hand over (to the enemy); sell out; fink, inform
also. хаиндаказ.
adv. foully.
also. хаин.
also. хаинвал.
v. precipice, brink of an abyss; abyss, yawning chasm; profundity, quality of having deep meaning. ХАЙИ Ӏ adj
n. carpet, rug, tapis.
(хкуни, хкуна, хкар) n. stake, picket.
1) n. birthmark, mole, beauty spot; 2) n. lichen, plant organism made up of a fungus and an alga which grow together on rocks (tree trunks, walls etc
1) n. aunt, sister of mother , халад руш cousin-german, first cousin; халад хва n. cousin, first cousin ); 3) n
also. хала 1) (халад хва).
n. robe; bathrobe, garment worn after bathing; dressing gown, loose robe worn before dressing or when lounging around the house
also. хелвет.
1) n. watermelon, large vine-grown fruit that has a tough green rind and sweet juicy reddish flesh; melon; халидин сал n
n. creator; maker.
adj. actual, substantial, real, tangible; current; factual.
also. халис.
n. authenticity, genuineness; originality; identity.
also. халисдаказ.
adv. truly, properly.
n. mat; rug; also. гибе.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. people, human beings; persons; inhabitants of particular race religion or culture; citizens of a nation; халкьдин adj
also. халкь (халкь авун).
1) n. informal title for an older man (especially a friend of the family); uncle; халудин adj. avuncular, like or resembling an uncle; халудин руш cou
1) n. lady, madam; ma'am, missis; 2) n. kid glove, dreadful omen.
n. kinsfolk, kindred, relatives of mother.
ӀӀ 1) adj. undeveloped; unfinished; unimproved; crude, raw; rough, unrefined; хам киреж burned [burnt, calcium, caustic, unslaked] lime; хам мал n
Ӏ (-уни, -уна, -ар) n. skin, dermis (Anatomy, Zoology); pelt, hide; leather; peel вакӀан хам hog- leather; хам алажун or хам хтӀунун raw; хам яцӀу инс
1) n. rawness, crudeness; 2) n. inexperience, lack of experience; 3) n. refractoriness.
also. хам ӀӀ 1).