(-ди, -да, -ар) staff.
n. state; government; establishment; staff; Америкадин Сад хьанвай Штатар The United States of America
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. seedling, young tree or plant; plant or tree grown from a seed.
шуткун. ШТКИЗ шуткун. ШТКУК шуткун.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. storm; gale, tempest, strong wind.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. penalty, forfeit, fine; surcharge.
n. great-grandson; great grandchild. ШТУРМ (-ди, -да, -ар) n. assault, attack, storm. ШТУРМАН n. (Nautical) navigator, pilot
ХЬУН 1) v. dry, wither; parch up; 2) dry.
(-из, -на, -а) also. штӀумун.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. dry a little 2) v. dry cure, jerk; штӀумрай балугъ n. stockfish.
n. lanky person. ШУВАКЬВАЛ шувакь. ШУГЪУЛ n. adjusting tool.
n. mess, disorder, disarray, untidiness; confusion, disarrangement, upset; litter, clutter; chaos, perturbation; шудургъаяр авун or шудургъаяр тун dis
n. appreciation, gratitude; acknowledgement; credit; шукур авун v. belaud, eulogize, praise; panegyrize, exalt; glamorize аллагьдиз шукур хьурай! Than
also. шакӀурт.
1) adj. disabled, game; шулу инсан n. cripple; lame duck; 2) adj. tired, weary; exhausted, worn out; fatigued, drained; шулу авун a) v
1) adv. cripple; 2) n. weariness, fatigue, tiredness.
n. scandal, affray, fracas, commotion; ам шулугь квайди я he rowdy; шулугъ авун v. brawl, participate in a noisy fight; act up, rough house; шулугъ ту
(-из, -на, шулугъ ая) also. шулугъ (шулугъ авун).
n. belligerent; n. troublemaker, mischief-maker.
adv. wearily, exhaustedly.
adj. shapely, having an attractive shape; svelte, slender, having a slim and graceful figure; шумал буй n
how many, how much?, what is the amount of-? са шумуд adv. a few; several, some; rather; шумудни-садра adv
how much?.
(-ади, -ада, -ар) n. curd, milk product which is eaten as a food or made into cheese; cottage cheese, type of soft white cheese made from the curds of
also. шурпа.
шурван пепе n. ladybird, ladybug; шурван пӀини n. cherry; cherry tree.
n. broth, bouillon, clear soup.
(шткиз, шткана, шткук) v. sweep, clean or clear away with a broom.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. take out; lay out; dismount; pull out; 2) v. tear; tear out; whip up. ШУТӀ (-ра, -ра, -ар) n
adj. thin, flimsy, skinny; small; sheer, transparent; fine, delicate; шуькӀуь гъал thin thread,; шуькӀуь раб thin needle; шуькӀуь ван thin voice
n. thinness, fineness, delicateness; shrewdness; tenuity.
n. hazelnut, nut of the hazel tree; filbert, type of edible nut , walnut tree; also. фундух.
n. nut tree; nut; filbert; hazel.
n. sorbet, sherbet, frozen dessert flavored with fruit and made with milk and egg white or gelatin.
n. salt marsh, wetland area containing salt water; saline, salt solution; шуьрекат квай adj. salt, salty
adj. sweetish, having a somewhat sweet flavor.
n. shavings, small thin pieces of wood that have been cut or scraped from a board; filings, small metal rubbed off by a file; flakes