n. shavings, small thin pieces of wood that have been cut or scraped from a board; filings, small metal rubbed off by a file; flakes
1) adj. battered; crumpled; 2) adj. obscure; washy, faded; 3) adj. wilt, sear.
1) n. crease, crinkle, wrinkle; line, seam; чина шуьткьверар тун v. crinkle; crumple, wrinkle; pucker; wince; 2) fold on clothing
(шуьткьвез, шуьткьвена, шуьткьуькь) 1) v. crumple, become wrinkled; trample, crush; wrinkle, crease 2) v
(-из, -на, -а) v. crumple, wrinkle.
adj. brown, having a brown coloring; шуьтруь ранг n. brown, color brown.
1) n. glass, transparent and brittle material produced by fusing sand and other materials (used for windows, bottles, etc
n. veranda, terrace, porch, stoop.
n. saber; sword; cavalry sword.
1. adj. long lived, longeval; эбеди къацу adj. evergreen; 2. adv. constantly, always, forever; permanently; perennially; hourly; эбеди яз adv
n. eternity, perpetuity; imperishability, immortality; age, aeon.
n. evacuation.
adv. instead; эвез авун v. substitute, interchange; change, commute; supersede, replace; эвез агакьрун v
adv. in exchange, in return.
(-из, -на, эвез ая) also. эвез (эвез авун).
(-из, -на, -а) v. compensate, reimburse; atone, redress; supply; replace, restore.
1. n. beginning, start, commencement; origin, source; rudiments, basic points; command; эвел кьил n. beginning, start, commencement; origin, source; r
adv. eventually, in the end; after all, at long last; in the long run, in the upshot; sooner or later
adv. to begin with, above all, first of all, primarily, in the first place.
1) adj. former, previous, of the past; prior, earlier; past; 2) adj. initial, first, beginning; elementary, basic, fundamental
. 1) adv. earlier, before; before now, prior to; above; anteriorly; 2) adv. first, initially; at first, at the beginning; primarily, in the first inst
adj. original, primary; elementary; initial; pristine, primitive; prime.
n. primacy, precedence, superiority; anteriority, priority.
adv. in the first instance, first, first and foremost, in the first place, foremost.
(-ди, -да, -ар) 1) n. call; 2) n. appeal; proclamation ; эвер авун a) v. call, shout; hail, call to from a distance; invite; b) v
also. гьарай-эвер.
(-из, -на, -а) Ӏ. also. эвер (эвер авун); 2. n. call; slogan, watchword; appeal; bidding; exhortation; draft
also. куьрсун.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. come down or off of, get off; come out; get out; 2) v. come down, descend; fall, drop; droop; dip; alight
( эвлед) n. scion, descendant, offspring, progeny; shoot.
from generation to generation.
ХЬУН v. get married, marry, wed; take to wife, have to wife.
(-из, -на, -а) v. marry, espouse; marry off, match.
n. evolution, development.
(-из, эвяна, эвя/-а) 1) v. brush; dress, get up; 2) v. comb; card; tease.