n. nubbin, nubble, blob.
[ккаш] Ӏ (-а, -а, -ар) n. hunger; starvation, famine; dearth.
[ккаш] ӀӀ n. respiration, breathing; blowing; wind; flatus.
n. draft, blueprint; projection; tack, basting, pertaining to a type of loose stitch which holds material in place until the final sewing; basting thr
n. cabin, berth.
o, oh, oops.
v. itch, have a restless longing or desire; feel a need to scratch.
v. be, exist; fare; play.
(-из, -на, -а) v. lose, fail to keep possession of; mislay; cast; shed; waste. КВАДРАТ n. square, quadrate, geometric figure having four equal sides;
(кукра, кукра, куквар) n. worm; apple grub.
n. itch, desire, longing.
[ккван] n. quarry, mining; output, production; kill, prey; catch, capture; loot, spoil; extraction; crop, harvest
(-ци, -це, -ар) n. ewer, pitcher, jug.
n. cobble, cobblestone; rubble, pebble; rock; paving-stone.
n. quartet, quartette, group of four; musical composition for four performers .
adj. beardless, unbearded.
(-из, -на, кват/-а) v. go to; pick up; drop in, come by; touch at; get to, arrive at; turn; go to far; begin to walk
(-из, -на, -квахь/-а) v. disappear, vanish; go.
вуч ӀӀ.
[кквев] вуч ӀӀ.
[кквез] вуч ӀӀ.
[кквел] вуч ӀӀ.
[кквелай] вуч ӀӀ.
ХЬУН also. квягъун.
(-из, квяна, квя/-а) v. rake up; scoop up, shovel up.
[кквяй] вуч ӀӀ.
also. куьн.
n. caper (Botany).
adj. breakable, fragile; friable, brittle; crimp, shivery.
n. fragility, delicacy; frailness, delicateness.
adj. bay, sorrel, chestnut, having a dark reddish-brown color.
adj. unaccommodating; uncompliant, unyielding; impracticable, intractable.
(кике, кике, кикер) n. nail, fingernail.
(-из/кекяз, кекяна, кекя/-а) pron. something, anything.
кел гамиш n. buffalo, bull, ox.
n. intrigues, machination, act of plotting or scheming.
n. joker, jester, humorist; cut up, wag.